Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soon enough...

I really have to update you all on what has been going on. Most of you know since I totally spilled most of it all over the MG group on facebook...anyways.

So Colton really had me confused for the longest time because he asked me to wait for him and he sent me his Joseph Smith Eternity Ring, but than he would say things about dating other girls when he gets home and stuff like "whoever I marry" he was never really willing to commit and I honestly didn't really understand the depths of how much he loved me until the video he sent me (see previous post). Ever since that video and what I saw in him and heard from him I really have been just certain that it is all worth it...the confusion and not really knowing for sure what is going to happen when he gets home...all of it is WORTH IT!!! I keep telling myself SOON ENOUGH...soon enough he will be home and soon enough we won't have to be seperated again and soon enough we will be back to our old antics!

He told me today in the letter I got that when people ask me why I am planning on going on a mission and what I am going to do when he gets home and if he wants to marry me than...he wants me to tell people that we will do whatever our Heavenly Father asks us to. He knows that I have been prompted to go on a mission...to prepare for one and he says he has felt it too...but he also says that he knows that the whole mission thing may change when he gets home...

that totally means he is NOT closed off to the thought of marriage!! YAY!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

He sent me this right at the perfect time! I was going through a rough spell and I was questioning how he felt about me and what I should do in regards to the whole waiting thing. I got this video and I now have PROOF in his eyes that he loves me! I mean I knew how he felt but seeing him say it and actually MEAN it just makes me cry!!!!!!!!

How did I get a man so good???