Thursday, December 29, 2011

If I was President.

Let us pretend that I had aspirations for the White House one day. I want to share what my policies would be because there is a whole lot of wrong going on in this country and like a garden it needs to be badly weeded.

Military: If it doesn't directly involve us or isn't an immediate threat to the country we will not get involved. Aid to allies will occur but not for an indefinite period of time and for trivial things. We will not try to bring "peace" to other countries by uprooting their government and replacing it with one shaped after our own. The military is here to protect our country from harm not protect or destroy other countries who won't play by our rules.

Education: The education system will receive more money and the standards of education will be raised. Tutoring will be provided if needed, but there needs to be a complete overhaul of the system. There are too many students in the higher levels who can't even form a proper sentence. Colleges will lower their skyrocketing prices without compromising the quality of education. K-12 will work harder to ACTUALLY prepare students to enter college or a vocational program. There will be heavy anti-bullying policies installed and schools will be a safe place for children to learn and grow.

Immigration: If you are not here legally you will not receive federal aid. End. Of. Story. You will be arrested, fined, and sent back home. Having children here will not make you safe; they are not your golden ticket to staying here. You will be sent back to wherever you came from WITH your child. Borders will be better secured and locked down. Crossing illegally will be taken seriously. Anyone employing an illegal immigrant or someone without the proper paperwork will also be arrested.

Gay Rights: The federal government will leave this agenda up to each individual state. It will not override laws that are passed just because someone is unhappy with the outcome. Majority rules. It does not matter how you want to live, but if the majority does.not agree than find a state that does. You chose to live this way. Not everyone does. Do not make everyone change their lifestyle to cater to yours.

Taxes: I honestly don't have an opinion on taxes right now because I need to delve deeper into learning how that system works, but I am pretty friggin sure that I will have more to say on this topic.

All in all I want to limit the governments power. Why do politicians get paid so much money? Why do we the citizens keep electing these assholes who are running our country into the geound? Why are we afraid of them? If you have studied the constitution you should know that WE are the ones with the power NOT them. They rely on us to keep their pockets lined and the money rolling in. Who are they to tell us what we can or can not do? Granted there are obvious laws and regulations that society and common sense require, but there is plenty of regulations the government places upon us that are unnecessary and unconstitutional. The time for change has come. We need a revolution. Not some half assed Occupy movement. No, we need real change. Real progress towards a better tomorrow, because between you and me I don't want to wake up one day and find out China owns us.....well legitimately owns us. They practically do since the U.S.A owes them so much money....anyways the point is that the only way to fix the problems in our country is to fix the people running it and the people living in it.

Alvidrez For President!!!