Saturday, October 11, 2014

House Arrest...

Or at least that is what it feels like. Baby Saunders is trying to make a break for it at 32 weeks so I've been placed on bedrest until he gets here which hopefully isn't for at least six more weeks.


Good golly that is a long time when all you can do is watch tv, sleep, go potty, and eat! I would have added reading on there but the medicine I have to take to prevent contractions makes me dizzy so I can only manage a couple pages at a time before feeling loopy. :( I'm stalking pinterest like it is going out of style and hopefully on tuesday when we go to see the doctor I can convince the husband to take me to get some crafting supplies at wal-mart before heading home. There are some craft ideas that I want to attempt to make, because if I am going to be confined to my bed for weeks I am going to at least do something to make me feel like a productive member of society...or at least this household! I've been thinking of taking up crocheting again, making some wreaths, and a few other ideas that look easy to do and would make really cute gifts for people! For now though I am fine with my pinterest and netflix shows, but if we can keep this baby cooking until the right time to be born, I am going to get bored of television real quick. I will keep trying to read, but I am not confident it'll work out too well especially since typing right now is making me feel a bit dizzy.  I plan on posting ways that I am making this bedrest productive on this blog as a means for others who are in my position. I know this has mainly been a personal blog up until now, and I will keep it that way, but I want to start sharing a lot of the daily adventures I have with people. We were getting into cooking some awesome recipes and stuff like that that can be shared and posted.  I'll be making my own silver lining of this situation.

I realize that it has been awhile since I posted so I guess since I have all this time now I can update this blog and keep it going a bit better. Look forward to the posts I'll be making within the next couple of days. I'll be catching everyone up from where we left off to now!
For now I need to lay down for a bit since I've been awake most of the day talking with the in-laws and even had a visit from my own Mother Unit!