Thursday, July 8, 2010

Round Two

So tonight Robert and I were at his house and we were sitting on his couch. Now we had just finished watching Nine starring Daniel Day Lewis and a billion A List Actresses...anyways we were sitting and naturally we kissed. Now Robert for some reason could not just like...breathe through his nose...anyways this crazy shenanigan occurred where he looked at me and said "Round Two" than sucked in a bunch of air and went in for the kiss....

Needless to say I busted up laughing....It was hysterically adorable and I couldn't help but go "aaw" in my head. I mean he was prepared to hold his breath for as long as possible just to kiss me. Gotta admire that.

In other news though it looks as if we will be going to California in August!!!!! I am so excited to be going out there since it has been awhile and it will be fun to go to Disneyland and the beach. We will be there for four days and there is a lot to be done! I need to make sure my car will be up for the trip though so eventually I need to take it to get the spark plugs replaced and the oil changed...since I am in bad need for both. Also it might suck to drive with no air conditioning...yeah probably huh?

Work has be suckishly sucks that I have to work yet at the same time I have been enjoying it. I think it's been because I have been seeing more of some people and less of others. I really need to plan sometime to go on an actualy date with Robert. I am thinking we should do another Vegas trip and go to the Bodies exhibit or maybe we could go to St. George or something. IDK but I am thinking of something to do that is date wise. Man we really have settled easily into a non date relationship hahaha but I honestly do like to just watch movies with him at home or just sit and talk for hours. We have fun.

I can't wait for school to start next month! I am taking classes and I couldn't be happier! I need to pay my fees though which makes me sad but at least I am back in school!!!!! Stinking Zach though is leaving in the winter to move to HAWAII! Yeah freaking hate that kid and his luckiness. I mean he does have to suck it up and be a good boy til he gets into BYU Hawaii and untill than I will be going to church with him so he won't suffer alone. I don't mind going to church but I feel awkward since all that drama happened with Charlie and everyone. I miss going to church and my testimony hasn't decreased. I just don't feel the same. I am planning on going on Sunday Morning providing works doesn't get in the way. Hopefully all goes well. I may leave early depending on how much sleep I get since I am closing on Saturday night. Oh joy!

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