Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Loving it!

I am all moved out of my parents house and into my new apartment! YAY YAY YAY!!!! I went and bought an air matress to sleep on until I go and get a bed frame and than a matress haha but for now I sleep pretty well and I absolutely love living there! I can walk literally across the street to work and I am downtown so EVERYTHING is down there. The cheaper gas station, the grocery store, and the restaurants! Of course I am still driving into Vegas for school and what not but that isn't really a big deal especially now that Robert has been driving down with me. School is much more fun when I go in with him! I love him and he is certainly a plus in my life!

I applied to work at SunWarrior today since they are hiring. I am letting Meressa and Madison know (two of my roomies) so that they can put in a good word for a sister out! Barbara is applying too and that would be so great if we both got to work there! I would be able to work full time and make a decent amount of money and I wouldn't have the same BS that I get from working at McDonald's. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed working there, but I am more!

Working out has been okay. My calves have been developing nicely from going up and down the stairs everyday. I just now have to make sure to do more in depth working out in order to get into shape. Sometimes I wonder how Robert can even be attracted to me. I mean seriously I can eat just about the same that he can and although he is skinny the man can pack it away! I weigh more than he does and I can pick him up but he can't do the same to me. Yeah okay so I am used to lifting heavy things since I do that at work, but it is kind of sad that I am too heavy for my own boyfriend to lift up!

Anyways I have to go catch up on Glee. The apartment doesn't have inernet so I do what I can while at school!

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