Sunday, March 20, 2011

Really now?

So I am sick. I have a bacterial sinus infection which means I am contagiously sick. I work at a restaurant where I handle food and interact with people. Being contagious is a health risk and I can't work in that environment otherwise others will get sick. Stupid me forgot to get a doctor's note because I was more concerned about getting the medication he prescribed. I went to the local pharmacy and was waiting for it to open (got there during their lunch break) when I run into some people I know. Hey it's a small town, it was bound to happen. We chat it up for a bit and reminisce about the weekend's events and than we seperate and get what we need. I turn in my prescription and grab a box of mucinex and they grab donuts (pharmacy and the only town grocery store combined). We pay together and than leave. I call into work letting them know that I can't work and won't be coming in. The manager says he will help me out and calls the store manager. Simple enough right? WRONG! Apparently my little trip to the pharmacy was seen by the store manager and since I was seen talking to people that I apparently knew (and in a town with no stoplights it is easy to know everyone) I was not sick in their eyes. In fact I was healthy enough to work since I was healthy enough to be out in public! GAH!!! So I call people to try and get them to cover my shift but noooooo everyone has plans. Like....really...the one time I call in to work sick or call anyone to cover my shift no one can cover for me and I can't stay home. What kind of rudeness is that? I mean I have switched shifs, worked later for people, and even come in on days off but NO ONE can do the same for me? What in the hell?

So my mom confiscated my phone and left a voicemail for those who would call to hear letting everyone know that I am not fit to work right now or to hang out. I love her. The meds make me so sleepy and I can't drive or operate heavy machinery. Whoopee right? I am going in on Monday to get that Doctor's note just so they can't say I was playing hooky from work. Seriosuly I dropped like 100 dollars on meds. No way in hell would I be paying that much just to not go to work. In other news though I have managed to get my tax return filed for this year and should be getting the money this week or next, which is just in time for the whole me moving in thing hahaha which is still happening! I am so excited and I can't wait! Barbara wants to move stuff in this week, which I hope to be able to do. I am going up to Provo on Thursday for Roy's wedding and I am super excited about it!!!

Despite being sick, things are looking up.

Oh and to those that think "If she can blog she isn't sick" really now? Typing is not that difficult to do. Look at those who drunk text. A monkey can type.

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