Friday, August 17, 2012

The DEATH of Nadia

If the next few months don't kill me than I pretty much inherited the "Alvidrez Women Live Forever" gene.

Yes people I am going to be doing something that will be life endangering...well life as I currently know it. What is this thing you ask?

Training for a 5k.

Yes, that's right. RUNNING. If you are readong this, I am assuming you know me, and if you know me you know that I, Nadia, absolutely loather running with such a passion I have dedicated my almost 23 years of life to not running. In fact, I am a swimmer. Water based sport type of person, but this marathon has something that appeals to me....colors. Yep. Random people along the marathon route will be throwing colorful chalk or paint or whatever the substance is. Pretty colors (and chances of an asthma attack) are enough to make me hunt down my knee brace (found it!) and get up in the morning to run.

*le gasp* early morning running?! There is a pig flying somewhere I just know it. Additionally I have to really watch what I eat and can't drink anymore soda. :( I am going to die while getting healthy!!!!!!!!!

If you find me crying in front of a case of donuts in town, just please look the other way and pray for me. I am going to need all the help I can get!!

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