Friday, October 5, 2012

Nadia-4 Cops-0

Presenting your Driver's License to a Police Officer is always such a treat. You just know they look at it and are forcing back a smile at the ridiculousness the DMV managed to capture.midblink. I mean License photos might as well be the criminal line up photos you know? They are just as bad and NO ONE wants theirs seen.

Unfortunately for me tonight I had to whip out my beautimous DL as well as my registration and proof of insurance. Want to hear the story as only I can tell it? Okay here it goes!!

So there I was driving home, tired and weary after putting in a full day on my feet. Babysitting in the morning and good ole McDonald's in the evening. Nothing unusual really until I see a truck flip a u behind me. As it was turning the light from a random lightpole flashed off the top of the car and I suddenly start to feel a panic.
It was a cop.
"Oh great." I kept thinking to myself "Prepare for the enventual blinding flashing lights." I kept thinking this to myself and I drove...and kept driving...and than a good mile and a half from the original stalking point the lights turn on in all of their red and blue glory...white is in their I am sure but my eyes didnt adjust very well to being blinded. The Officer apporached my vehicle where I was sitting, combing through all the possible reasons why I would be pulled over.
Headlights...the right side ones to be exact.
I knew they were out. I was fully prepared to be ticketed. My streak had to end at some point. But hark! What is this? The process will be quick you say? Just a safety issue for me you say? Why yes Officer you CAN have my license, registration, and proof of...oh gosh where is my proof of insurance?! I know it is in here!!!
Luckily the officer was kind enough to go to his squad car and start looking at my stuff so I can throw dignity out of the window and tear my car apart. Suddenly a familiar glimpse of yellow catches my eye and SHAZAM insurance proofage!! Now what? Do I sit and wait? Do I wave him over? Oh thank goodness he is coming to me!
I proudly handed the proof over and while casually inspecting it he asks me two of the oddest questions I have ever been asked.
1. Have you ever been arrested?
2.Do you have a work release in the state of Nevada?

O_o ...what the la hell?
My confused face must of clued him in to the big fat answer of a NO that would have been because he handed me my stuff and than let me go. I made it home a little more tired than usual and still in need of a killer foot and back rub, but ever so thankful that Officers always seem to be almost incapable of giving me a ticket. I have been pulled over four times now and not once have I gotten a ticket and each time I have been pulled over has been for a different reason.

Luck of the Irish I guess....well if I was Irish anyways. I am thankful though that he took the time to pull me over. I know people rag on Cops a lot, but I can understand that they have a job to do. Sure yeah it was a busted light, but hey he didn't ticket me and just wanted to inform me that it was out....aside from the weird above mentioned questions it was an overall pleasant exchange. Don't hate on cops people, they are doing the job you yourself aren't.

Monday, October 1, 2012

23 Years of Awesome

Yesterday (technically speaking) was my birthday. If you read the title you know how old I am. Congratulations!

I didn't do much, but the day was eventful. My family and I celebrated with cake (pictured) and they also gave me a star wars card with a $25 Starbucks gift card!! Woot woot!!! It was nice to be able to have time with them today. I slept most of it since unsurprisingly I am sick and feeling awful.

I met with President Dalley today and discussed somethings that needed to be discussed. Needless to say it was an enlightening meeting and I am on working on becoming a better person. He did tell me that if Abe and I aren't going to be serious while he is gone than I shouldn't hole myself up waiting on something that might not happen. :/ I get it, I do. I just don't want to think that I need to be out there dating. No one was really asking anyways...I'm not settling either. I guess I am just learning how to go with the flow and how to do my own thing. May have taken me awhile but I have finally managed to get to this point.

Today Barbara and I are getting her Bridal Shower decorations and than later some friends and I are going to Samurai 21 for Hibachi food to celebrate my birthday. I'm excited although I got more "maybe"s than actual "yes" so who knows who all is going?! I didn't have that many people congratulate me on fb which is totally cool in my book! People who wished me well today made me so happy for remembering. I even got serenaded at Branch Prayer and it almost made me cry. I didn't think that many people actually knew or even liked me enough to do that.

This past year has changed me a lot in ways I could never have imagined. I was so busy trying to figure out my life and where my relationship with robert was going and working for peanuts that I let myself slip away from me. I forgot what makes me happy. Even now I am trying to work on myself and do something for myself, but I have come so far from who I was that it is nothing short of miraculous.

The most important change has been in my life spiritually. Despite my human tendencies and failings, I have grown even stronger in my faith. I have learned to trust Heavenly Father and to lean on Him. Letting Him take the wheel and steer me down the road I am supposed to take. It has brought me to an understanding of myself and others that still may confuse me at times, but it is ever increasingly bringing me to that "AHA!" Moment of enlightenment.

Here's to this next year. May it be as ever progressing as always.