**Post may contain TMI**
So at the start of the year I was (and still am) experiencing cramping that wasn't previously common in my life outside of the start of my period. Usually I can take some Tylenol or ibuprofen and it goes away. This time though the cramping was and still is a random and persistent nuisance. I'm not usually big on going to see a doctor, but when I had cramping actually wake me up in the middle of the night I knew something wasn't right.
I made the appointment and had to endure the wait (a few weeks) before I could get answers. The pain continued, but on a lesser level after my period started. By the time I was on the exam room table I forgot about the pain until my wonderful doctor poked the wrong places and made me wince. Blood was drawn and my first ultrasound ever was scheduled. All day after my appointment though I felt bruised and battered, like I had had someone kick me right in the uterus. He had been gentle, but it still left me in pain after. The ultrasound went just as well....oh mama did it HURT. I knew exactly what side of my uterus was looking at by the side the pain was on. It was so unpleasant.
A few days later they told me my thyroid test came back normal (so my being overweight was just my fatty ways) and a few more weeks after that I ended up getting a call that my ultrasound revealed I have polycystic ovaries. The cramping is caused by that, the nausea from the pain is caused by that, the heavy periods, and all around pain in general is caused by my polycystic ovaries.
Online research doesn't do much to help shed light on this particular condition, as most people with PCO are diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and most information regards the syndrome as a whole. What is alarming though is I exhibit another symptom that PCOS sufferers experience...the problem is that my doctor didn't see it because it's embarrassing and so I made sure to shave. See I've got hair growth around my belly button and chest that should not be there, it's dark and has started growing the past couple of years. I regularly shave because it's weird to me and it's just awkward. Also my hair is thinning out. I shed so much it is ridiculous and annoying. So it has me particularly alarmed that I perhaps have PCOS and not just the polycystic ovaries.
Now I'm not going to self diagnose, I just want to try and manage the pain I experience and handle the hair loss/ growth in weird places while perhaps avoiding the infertility issues that can arise. My first step towards that has been working out and trying to lose weight. My doctor suggested it and any sites have that as a first step towards treating the pain issues. Another treatment is birth control, but it's usually when women aren't having periods/ to control flow.
I'll be posting updates as I go along. So far I've lost five pounds, but the cramping is still persistent. It comes and goes, but so far I don't have an exact cause for why it comes. The other day it hurt hours after having sex and usually will be hurting all night after I've worked all day.
I'm going to try some essential oils to see if it helps, but that's a post for another day. Ttyl y'all!
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