Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's happened...

I know most of you who read this blog already know this, but Jonathan and I are expecting our first child together!!

We found out on March 30, 2014 and proudly told our families on April Fools Day...after some convincing they believed us and were super excited about it! Surprisingly we kept it pretty hush hush until Mother's Day when we posted the announcement on facebook.

Right now I'm at 13 weeks which means next week I'll be in my second trimester! I have my next appointment this coming Monday and I'm super excited for the update! Four weeks between appointments is WAY too long for my taste because I'm too excited about all of this and I get scared because of all the cramping and spotting I get.

I know it's normal,but I can't help but panic sometimes haha poor Jonathan has to deal with my crazy emotions all the time. I cry over everything and even when I've been laughing I start crying. Luckily I don't have morning sickness...sometimes I get sick depending on what I ate but overall I don't get ill.

I'll update y'all more as time goes on. This mama needs a nap.

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