Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day of uplifting...

Well today I got to hang out with my cousins and drive them crazy by talking to them about all the time, but they loved it. I really got to talk to them and explain about the possibilities of what might happen when he gets home..the most uplifting part about it is that they were really excited to hear about it!!! I so very much enjoyed getting to talk freely about my hopes and dreams with them.

They can't wait to meet him and I already know he can't wait to meet my family...he tells me all the time that he wants to meet them all. I talk about them enough. It was nice to get support from my someone in my family...and there were three of them!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Updates on this glorious Wednesday!

I e-mailed Colton and told him all about MGs and he..well he laughed and said that it figures I would go out and find others who are going through the whole waiting process...he was laughing in a good way though I promise!!!

He is such a dork though...he was complaining how he gets sad everyday when he goes to the mailbox and it is empty. He is mainly complaining about me not writing everyday..I guess he wants me to write more...because apparently the weekly letters and e-mails just aren't enough.
Than of course he adds in last second that he is indeed focused on the mission even though he basically can't get me out of his head. XD

It was good to know that he is alive and it was amazing to hear from him! My heart is smiling even though it doesn't technically have a face. He went riding today on one of Denver's 70 bike trails. He was so tired from the ride..I guess it was intense :D

I should be getting a letter from him YAY!!


Oh my fetch!!! Wednesdays are pretty much the most looked forward to day of my week! I mean silly cuz it is straight in the middle, but seeing as it is the day I get an e-mail from Colton I think you all would understand!
Now you have to know me to understand how much I hate getting up in the morning...I actually loathe the thought with a fiery passion of a thousand suns. Usually my first thought is whether I can squeeze in a few extra minutes of sleep or not...but on Wednesdays my first thought is "FETCH YEAH!! WEDNESDAY!!!!"
See for Christmas he didn't send me a card or a gift..instead he gave me the gift of being able to e-mail him whenever I want. Every week I get an e-mail on wednesday from Colton and sometimes I happen to be on while he is and we get to playing e-mail tag. It is really crazy and is basically just like talking to him...*sigh* it isn't that same as it used to be..meaning we don't get to talk for hours. But it is the same in that we have maintained our unique style of friendship and have bonded even more.

Time is going really slow today waiting for an e-mail from him. I am trying to keep my mind busy, but GAH!!! I seriously think that I might go crazy waiting for his e-mail. I do want you all to know that on every other day I am perfectly normal...just something about wednesdays drive me up a a good way.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh sweet waiting!

I guess I should explain the situation with my missionary and makes more sense as to why he just barely asked me to wait when you know the full story :D I would say that he puts it the best way...

"That night Jaren we met Jaren (more about him later) asked me to come play soccer at the fair grounds and he was going to introduce me Nadia (that's me!), the girl he had a major crush on. So I went, and when she pulled up I had a STRONG sudden desire to meet her, but she would not get out of her car! I started to walk towards her car like five time to go get her out so I could meet her, after an agonizing ten minutes she finally got off the phone with her mom and stepped out of the car. I walked up to her and her why she had taken so long and she looked at me like I was crazy and said she had been talking to her mom, I said "cool" and we went and started playing soccer.
She took the ball and was trying to pass me and I somehow plowed her over and we both fell to the ground, I felt so bad!! I had just knocked down my best friend's crush! We continued to play and that is how I met and amazing young woman who is always there for me no matter what!"

Okay so it is my turn now! A few months after we met I was baptized and we saw even more of each other from than on...I was dating his friend Jaren and he was dating my best friend Jenny. For some reason though we saw more of each other than we saw of our significant others! I mean it wasn't anything bad, we just had a really strong connection and friendship. I moved to California last summer and I still maintained contact with all my friends and with Jaren. I flew out for Colton's farewell and that weekend we spent almost every second of that weekend together. The last time I saw him was on his front porch with his siblings around us and Jaren by my side. He had already been set apart so our parting ended with a handshake. But don't worry he attacked me right before he got set apart and gave me the biggest longest hug ever! That next day Jaren broke up with me and Colton found out in a letter sent to him. Since last august we have written each other each week.

It wasn't until a little while after he left that we realized our strong friendship had turned into love somewhere between the weekly letters, e-mails, and all that we had been through before he left. He asked me to wait for him and he sent me his Joseph Smith Eternity Ring on a chain so that I won't have to worry about it when I am in the photography lab.