Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Oh my fetch!!! Wednesdays are pretty much the most looked forward to day of my week! I mean silly cuz it is straight in the middle, but seeing as it is the day I get an e-mail from Colton I think you all would understand!
Now you have to know me to understand how much I hate getting up in the morning...I actually loathe the thought with a fiery passion of a thousand suns. Usually my first thought is whether I can squeeze in a few extra minutes of sleep or not...but on Wednesdays my first thought is "FETCH YEAH!! WEDNESDAY!!!!"
See for Christmas he didn't send me a card or a gift..instead he gave me the gift of being able to e-mail him whenever I want. Every week I get an e-mail on wednesday from Colton and sometimes I happen to be on while he is and we get to playing e-mail tag. It is really crazy and is basically just like talking to him...*sigh* it isn't that same as it used to be..meaning we don't get to talk for hours. But it is the same in that we have maintained our unique style of friendship and have bonded even more.

Time is going really slow today waiting for an e-mail from him. I am trying to keep my mind busy, but GAH!!! I seriously think that I might go crazy waiting for his e-mail. I do want you all to know that on every other day I am perfectly normal...just something about wednesdays drive me up a a good way.

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