Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Roach of Death

No sleep for you!

Erica---"ok I am literally paralyzed no sleep tonight, A cockroach fell out of nowhere and landed on my bed. like literally dropped from the sky. onto my bed. it made a *plop* noise and everything. it ran under my dressed after i screamed and sent it flying across the room. I will not sleep til its dead."

Nadia--"XD I think I am going to pee my pants...that is awesome."

Erica--How is that awesome? It's a roach!

Nadia--I am just laughing really hard at you right now....it fell from the sky.

Erica--it did. i was sitting there watchin tv next thing i know i hear a plop on my bed and i was and its sitting there. it had the same WTF look on its face that i had. i almost felt bad killing him but he almost crawled on my pillow and just no. right now he is sitting under a 5 lb weight where he belongs. omg what if it had fallen on my head? and where did he come from? i barely put the furniture back in here last night.

Erica--it wasn't even the flying kind.

Nadia--I can't believe you were scared of a roach. I would have just chased it from the room like "be free roachy!"

Erica--No have a pathological fear of them, they are evil and slimy and gross and it almost touched my pillow than i would have roach face. tomorrow when i get the courage to clean up his body im gonna have to sterilize my weights. i won't work out with them till they are clean. i already changed my sheets.

Nadia--You are a freak. Now you can't make fun of my weird habits. I fear spiders but i at least am almost normal about it.

Erica--You didn't get attacked by a mutant roach when you were 9.

Nadia-- No but Adam Ward and this kid Anthony threw about 5 of them into my hair in the 7th grade...

Erica--roaches? omg ew ew ew ew. Roach hair! omg ew!

Nadia--Totally proves I am a bad ass though because I only screamed a little...luckily swim that night succesfully killed the germs. YAY chlorine!

Erica--ew ew ew ew ew that is so gross. i would pass out and cry if that happened to me.

Nadia--well that is because you my dear sister are what we call a wimp....you are like a billion times bigger than any roach...even mutant ones.

Erica--yeah but they have all the bacteria on them.

Nadia--The toilet bowl alone has mroe bacteria than a cockroach. Yet you use that everyday.

Erica--it doesn't actually, on the whole toilet bowls are cleaner than cellphones, however roaches carry a sewer full of germs.

Nadia-- Touche

Erica-- indeed lol

*this is why my sister and I deserve our own tv show or something....tell me you were not at least once amused whilst reading this. HAHAHA I love our conversations.

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