Monday, September 10, 2012

Greatness occurring....

Life has suddenly become this busy and fast whirlwind of awesome for me.

Barbara is getting married next month.
Colton in Tennessee.
Abe leaving in a few weeks for Basic.
I'm training for the Color Me Rad 5k in November AND I have another really big life event beginning to occur that I am not quite ready to divulge yet, but will be really soon.

I have been mind-numbingly happy and motivated like none other in just the past day and I know it is only going up from here! It let's me know that I am finally(again) on the right path. It's now or never and I am choosing now! It has been so amazingly life changing.
I went through a period of just being so absolutely clueless with what to do with myself and now it's like "Alright! Let's get to it!" It is hard not to be down on yourself when you feel like you are just kind of aimlessly wandering through life you know? Sunday was this hugely massive turning point for me.

Elder Holland gave such an inspiring and wonderful talk on Sunday that super charged my already amped up batteries. Here are some of the major points that stood out to me:
1. True disciples of Christ never check their religion at the door. We must continually live the gospel and live what we believe.
2.We have to wish to be strong. One can not simply gain strength overnight. We must want it in order to have the will to acheive it.
3.The church will not and can not dumb down it's doctrine for what is deemed "socially/politically" correct.
5.We must help when and where we can no matter the situation. Nothing something is better than doing nothing.
6.Live the gospel big and small at all times, in all things, in all places, in the hopes of being caught in the act when the Savior comes.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

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