Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Smive it all

Tonight/Today's post is just going to be more of a ramble on of updateness and random tangents...more than usual.

First I have two things to share.
1.Sea Turtles can breathe out of their butts
2.Smive was the "f" bomb of the olden days. Classy no? I have decided to use it. Bringing it back!

I cried yesterday....well Monday nightish...I logged onto facebook and there Isee photos of my cousin (whom I LURVE) and her college adventures (moving in and whatnot) and lo/behold there is MY father (hers passed) helping cart her stuff to the dorm. Now this would be a total "AAW" moment to you uninformed, but it wad a total "Really." moment for me. My cousin is really like my second cousin's kid...meaning hed dad and my dad were cousins. My dad also dated her mom before she and Uncle Danny hooked up...yeah...we keep things close in the family...anyways since Danny died my dad has essentially been playing dad to my cousins (there are three in that family) and whilw it is nice, it is really not his place.
especially when he has three children whom he really.doesn't do much for. Sure I'm on his insurance, but you don't see him doing much else. The man can never seem to "help out" whether it is financially or whatever, but he has plenty of money and time for them.

Thanks Dad, have fun with your new family...hope your wife doesn't mind.

Also my best friend Colton (Yes THAT Colton) is moving to Tennessee in about...oh idk 6 hours or so. Yeah randomly called up and was like "Hey I'm moving" and I naturally went "Say what?" Lucky him got a job hook up out there and his brother is giving him time off for Barbara's wedding next month! Yay!!!! Time sure is flying with that! Oh!!!! She and Aaron got a truck, as in some BAMF gave them a truck as a wedding gift. Who the what?! I need to get married.

I learned eating nutella is delicious, but you can get sugar headaches from eating it straight. Also I can run for two minutes straight. Watch out!! Still working on the whole 5k thing so MY PLAN is interval running so far. I know I might not succeed in straigt running it, but I will run the majority if it kills me...which it probably will. Did you know that you don't blink normally when you are on the computer or if you are reading? Yeah weird huh?

Ok my eyes hurt and I am ready for bed methinks.

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