Monday, October 14, 2013

Another year down

So my birthday was a couple weeks ago and I found myself where I normally am around that thine of year. I get so super reflective that it's almost depressing. This year was a bit different in that I have the hubby with me and my life is so completely different than I thought it would be, and it is different in all the right ways.

This last year I managed (in no particular order)to lose and regain my two best friends, I got married, changed jobs, moved out on my own (no roommates til the hubs), actually lost weight, cut my hair, learned to accept the help of others, learned to somewhat be okay with myself, Read the whole Book of Mormon, made homemade bread, cooked in general, saw my brother Zachary for the first time in forever, and so much more.

A year ago on my birthday I was a couple weeks away from having my best friend get married, I was thinking I was going to be alone forever after finding out I had kissed another frog, I hated my job, felt trapped at home, and was depressed in general. I wanted to go on a mission or move or do something, but Heavenly Father kept telling me to wait. A few weeks later Jonathan and I started talking and the rest is history.

I've come so far in a year and I know that this next one is going to be just as brilliant. I didn't do much for my bday as far as celebrating goes. I had requested the day off so it was nice to just relax at home. Jonathan got me the FireFly series and a HUGE rice krispy treat (and I mean huge)and than we went and had dinner...I forget where though haha I think inside scoop. My memory is so shoddy.

Anyways it was another quite birthday after another hectic year. Here's to this next one and hopefully it's as crazy wonderful as the last!

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