Monday, September 23, 2013

The one where we clean

I'm going through a cleaning process in my life. Both in the home and in my heart. It sounds so cheesy to admit it, but there is a much needed, uh, need for it.

Homewise we haven't been very good with the cleaning. A photo has been attached of the state our living room has been in for TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!!!! I HAVE to do something about it and soon! We've been tackling the kitchen together thankfully, but I want to get this place nice looking so we can have people over and not be ashamed or have to make excuses. Also I always feel better with a clean environment. I once was told a clean home invites the Holy Ghost to reside in know the whole" no unclean thing" and it totally makes sense. Why would we feel The Spirit if we are living in filfth?

Heartwise I am striving to be more spiritually minded. We haven't been doing so hot on reading the scriptures and praying. If we cook together we say a prayer, but we don't often have that opportunity. Some spiritual support I am right? The guilt is even worse when I think about how we should be working on being temple worthy. We are paying tithing though so that's a good start, but we need to actually get to church. A few of the weekends I have had to work, but sometimes I just end up sleeping through and I end up kicking myself over it. Satan knows just how to hold me back from my full potential and at times it feels like I just let the stinker win. Well not anymore!

We've promised each other that we'll do our best to help the other be more spiritually minded and we are making Christ the center of our home and marriage. Sometimes all we need is a little bit of cleaning up to put us in the right mindset. :)

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