Monday, July 20, 2009

I Wonder....

Wow people sorry it has been a week since I last updated this! I have been so busy!!!!!! My car broke down and what not and then I have been going out and stuff with Katrina and Rachelle. We went to a dance on friday and the beach on was pretty amazing really and I had a ton of fun hanging out with the ward. We totally pranked this one house right...thinking it was Jacob's house but it ended up being someone we don't even know! Epic? Yeah we know!
Well Colton and I are going to have our first date and than make things a little more official....right now we are just a little hanging out in a limbo of sorts. Today he was on the phone with me and his younger siblings were cat calling me and teasing him. Maddy saked him if he was going to date me and he was like "Yes" and than she was like "Are you going to marry her?" We both started laughing at that because it seems like EVERYONE keeps asking him that and we haven't even started dating yet! Schmexy I yeah that is basically it haha.
He is hoping to be moved to Provo by next week and he is definitely getting his own phone next week and he is already planning on calling me all the time...I told him to get unlimited texting as well. It will be good if he gets verizon because we will have free mobile to mobile and that means we can talk for as long as we want whenever we want!!!!
I wonder what is going to happen now....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Late Night (erhm Early Morning) Confessions

I ate the last of the peanut butter sauce with the last of the Vanilla ice cream and I don't care who knows it! My leg is still hurting me and I am glad to be going to the Doctor tomorrow but not really because I hate going to the doctor and I don't want to get the okay to take my PE classes...why oh why did I sign up for TWO of them and one of them a long distance running class? I mean seriously what was I thinking???????
Colton and I talked a bit today and I am SUPER excited for our date coming up...I think I am going to be out there this coming weekend so maybe we will have it then which will be exciting hahaha but considering that neither of us have a car I am thinking that we have just hit a little snag in our plans...hmmm....we will figure this out somehow. I am looking forward to seeing how things progress and what directions we take. I can't explain it but really when I talk to him it isn't awkward or anything. It is more like I have found the one person I don't ahve to be shy around and I love how he gets me better than anyone else ever has. My sister on her blog thinks we are weird for not really being all...lovey dovey...right away, but he needed (and still needs) time to adjust to being home. I don't want to rush him or anything.
For FHE it is a pool party thing at Jason's house...i am excited about going but than again i am that requires a bathing suit which in turn requires a bathing suit body....I have only one of those and it isn't the body! Oh well I told him I would go so yeah I am definitely going to go. Wouldn't want to upset the fans...BAHAHAHA I miss Katrina and Amy and basically everyone! I hope I can get a ride tomorrow!!!!!! I need to see those peoples something awful!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Changes Changes Changes!

Well girls since my sister and I our on my other blog and Colton is home this blog is going to be more of my own personal one....but don't worry Colton will still be on it hahaha most likely a lot! It has been weird and i have been going insane just thinking about the fact that he is home for good now! I am seeing him tomorrow at the Slip n Sliding activity and probably before and what not. Definitely after....we need to have "the talk" hahaha the Define Your Relationship talk....or DYR that is going to be interesting.
After tomorrow though my sister and I are going to Idaho and we are coming back on Saturday. I wonder if I can get Colton to go to singles with me on Sunday....or I will totally go to his family's ward. I don't care really which. I am finally at the point where life is changing in the biggest ways and for once I am not scared at all about the changes.
I am moving to Idaho and will be moving into my new apartment on September 7th. I got the contract and everything. Well I am off to bed now. I will have more to write later...but like when I get back home hahaha idk about tomorrow and while I am gone....well maybe in idhao but idk lol

Sunday, July 5, 2009

He is home

Wow...I never thought this would happen so soon but sure enough Colton is home and he was released honorably at that! I got to talk to him today and all I can say about that is that nothing has changed with us...besides him being home that is...he is depressed and not feeling at all happy with himself which is understandable. He actually thought I would hate him...but honestly how could I? Of all the people who could possibly hate! Nice one Colton.

Anyways I just thought I would pop on and put a quick note up for y'all!!! Love Ya! More are coming soon I PROMISE!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My dearest Colton,

I need you right now more than ever. My family is falling apart and I am falling with them! I am having to face a future that may not be at all as I hoped it would. What if I end up having to take care of my brother with my sister? I would be giving up so much as usual! If you were here you would know exactly what to say and you would help me figure out some crazy scheme...I don't want to face this alone anymore...Your numero uno needs you and she isn't even scared to admit it anymore.
Why did you have to leave when you did? I needed you the most and you were gone! I need you even now and you still aren't here! I understand that you are out there serving Our Heavenly Father and I love you even more for that! I understand that you are needed in Colorado and I am so grateful that you are out there!!!!! I would do anything for one of your hugs or one of your smiles...but like in real life not a picture...We are coming up on one year already without you! How did that happen? How did we survive???
I can't wait for you to get home! I am sick of everyone else getting married and me just sitting here helping plan their bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and their weddings! I want to be able to boss them around for once and to ignore them because I am busy with you! I know that sounds cruel but ugh come on now...they are soooooo bossy and they keep saying that I will be the "next one" but seriously they seem to neglect the fact that you are GONE....I want to punch them all sometimes!!!!!
Okay well I will talk to you later!
Love always your numero uno,
P.S.- I love you!

Friday, July 3, 2009

MG Madness

I love all my MGs!!! You girls basically amazingly keep me going when things get hard with this whole waiting process! I always am able to have a good life when I get on the group page and I am always really uber excited and wanting to get online to see what is up!

I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you for all the laughs and exciting times!