Monday, July 13, 2009

Late Night (erhm Early Morning) Confessions

I ate the last of the peanut butter sauce with the last of the Vanilla ice cream and I don't care who knows it! My leg is still hurting me and I am glad to be going to the Doctor tomorrow but not really because I hate going to the doctor and I don't want to get the okay to take my PE classes...why oh why did I sign up for TWO of them and one of them a long distance running class? I mean seriously what was I thinking???????
Colton and I talked a bit today and I am SUPER excited for our date coming up...I think I am going to be out there this coming weekend so maybe we will have it then which will be exciting hahaha but considering that neither of us have a car I am thinking that we have just hit a little snag in our plans...hmmm....we will figure this out somehow. I am looking forward to seeing how things progress and what directions we take. I can't explain it but really when I talk to him it isn't awkward or anything. It is more like I have found the one person I don't ahve to be shy around and I love how he gets me better than anyone else ever has. My sister on her blog thinks we are weird for not really being all...lovey dovey...right away, but he needed (and still needs) time to adjust to being home. I don't want to rush him or anything.
For FHE it is a pool party thing at Jason's house...i am excited about going but than again i am that requires a bathing suit which in turn requires a bathing suit body....I have only one of those and it isn't the body! Oh well I told him I would go so yeah I am definitely going to go. Wouldn't want to upset the fans...BAHAHAHA I miss Katrina and Amy and basically everyone! I hope I can get a ride tomorrow!!!!!! I need to see those peoples something awful!!!

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