Saturday, July 4, 2009

My dearest Colton,

I need you right now more than ever. My family is falling apart and I am falling with them! I am having to face a future that may not be at all as I hoped it would. What if I end up having to take care of my brother with my sister? I would be giving up so much as usual! If you were here you would know exactly what to say and you would help me figure out some crazy scheme...I don't want to face this alone anymore...Your numero uno needs you and she isn't even scared to admit it anymore.
Why did you have to leave when you did? I needed you the most and you were gone! I need you even now and you still aren't here! I understand that you are out there serving Our Heavenly Father and I love you even more for that! I understand that you are needed in Colorado and I am so grateful that you are out there!!!!! I would do anything for one of your hugs or one of your smiles...but like in real life not a picture...We are coming up on one year already without you! How did that happen? How did we survive???
I can't wait for you to get home! I am sick of everyone else getting married and me just sitting here helping plan their bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and their weddings! I want to be able to boss them around for once and to ignore them because I am busy with you! I know that sounds cruel but ugh come on now...they are soooooo bossy and they keep saying that I will be the "next one" but seriously they seem to neglect the fact that you are GONE....I want to punch them all sometimes!!!!!
Okay well I will talk to you later!
Love always your numero uno,
P.S.- I love you!

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