Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Changes Changes Changes!

Well girls since my sister and I our on my other blog and Colton is home this blog is going to be more of my own personal one....but don't worry Colton will still be on it hahaha most likely a lot! It has been weird and i have been going insane just thinking about the fact that he is home for good now! I am seeing him tomorrow at the Slip n Sliding activity and probably before and what not. Definitely after....we need to have "the talk" hahaha the Define Your Relationship talk....or DYR ....so that is going to be interesting.
After tomorrow though my sister and I are going to Idaho and we are coming back on Saturday. I wonder if I can get Colton to go to singles with me on Sunday....or I will totally go to his family's ward. I don't care really which. I am finally at the point where life is changing in the biggest ways and for once I am not scared at all about the changes.
I am moving to Idaho and will be moving into my new apartment on September 7th. I got the contract and everything. Well I am off to bed now. I will have more to write later...but like when I get back home hahaha idk about tomorrow and while I am gone....well maybe in idhao but idk lol

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