Monday, March 15, 2010


I have had major cabin fever lately because I have been house ridden due to my strep throat. OI I feel like I am going to EXPLODE any second now. Luckily though my mom says that tomorrow I am free to escape and go have fun outside of the house! YIPPEE!!!! I am really excited because I feel like my butt has almost gotten permanently stuck to the sofa since I basically haven't had the energy or will to do anything else. *BLEGH*

Luckily though I am turning things around. I applied to go work a summer job at Lake Powell with some fellow MG's and I have decided to work out even more and lose more weight before working there (if I get a job) and I am pretty excited about it. Also I am writing You-Know-Who more and I don't care if he gets my letters or even reads them....okay I fact I feel like going to ripping the postal system a new one and teaching them how to handle mail. I mean really now it isn't that hard if people would stop being retarded.

Erica is coming home soon and that is pretty dang cool. I won't be able to see her most likely which is pretty sad, but whatevers I might have to work so there isn't really anything I can do about it. I like work and everything, except the standing forevers on my feet part, but the rest is pretty cool. I am not working this week due to the fact that I have strep and that my boss thought I was going to quit which I wasn't at all! I happen to like being employed and I am really just happy with life lately.

I have been thinking about everything and I am happy with where I am and what I feel is right. I even have support from people who I for sure thought was going to think I am being stupid....but apparently they see things the same way and that means more to me than anything. I feel more...validated...hahaha like I am not crazy for seeing things that actually are there. I mean I thought I was being silly, but to have others see it...well that just is the icing on the cake. One year down and just a few more months to go. *sigh* That is when we will all see what happens.

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