Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A whole new ME

Well people it has come to that point in my life were I am making changes...big ones too.

The first major change is that I am changing how and what I eat. Oh yes indeedy I most certainly am. I will be cutitng back on meats and eating more veggies and fruits and what not. Mainly I will have a vegetarian-esque lifestyle from now on. Why would I break up my relationship with meat you ask? Well it isn't just meat who is getting the boot. I am also kicking out my dear sweet friends, like junk food, chips, candies, and *sniff* soda. Okay so you all know I am probably going to fail at times and gorge on chips and overdose on soda, BUT for the most part I will be maintaining a strict diet. Not only am I doing it to get healthier, I am doing it because it is proven that a healthy diet helps with depression. I also just want to cut out the unhealthy crap I keep loading my body up with. If anyone gives me any crap about my change well I will have to think of some things to say to them, but whatever I am doing this for me and not for them!

The second major change is that I am working out more. Yes it is painful, and yes I am sore all over, but the fact that it makes me feel good and look even better is what is important. I let myself go these past few years and I am working on getting my body back into shape and getting myself down to a healthy weight. So far I have lost 15 pounds and I am excited about that. My clothes fit a bit better and my pants are actually not tight around the waist area! I am hoping that by the time summer comes around I will be more comfortable in a bathing suit! I am not asking for perfection, I am just asking for healthy.

The third major change is that I am getting my head on straight and working on getting back into the swing of things with Church. I will admit that I haven't been the best at attending. I have let so many different reasons stop me from going, that I actually forgot that I LIKE going to church. I LIKE my religion and I am happy with it. I know the Church is true, sometimes the people in it aren't but the doctrine is true. I have been struggling though because of something that has recently come up, but I know that if I do what I need to that things will go as they need to.

That is the three main changes right now. I have mainly just learned to let go and to love life. It can be pretty crappy at times and sometimes I just want it to end, but I know that I am not seeing the big picture. It all is a matter of perspective and lately mine has been pretty skewed.

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