Monday, March 1, 2010

Traveling Old Paths

I am traveling down old familiar paths, but this time I am not as naive. I know where to step and I know the path well. I am traveling and I am willing to see. I see the mistakes I have made and the right choices I have.
I can't control life, I can only live life. I know I tend to be guarded and I keep people at a distance. I know that I can be loud and strong in my opinions and  I am too smart for my own good sometimes, but that is who I am, that is how Heavenly Father made me. I have accepted myself as I am, I have begun to look at life for the beautiful thing that it is. I am not afraid anymore to free fall into the unknown. I am comfortable in who I am and where I am going, although I don't know where it is exactly I am going but for once I am not freaking out about the unknown.

I realized today that we all fight over the same thing, we are uncompromising creatures and our fighting tends to cause problems. The inability of mankind to see the other side of the arguement is the root of most problems. I had this thought come to me today "Why do you fight for My love? Don't you know that I have enough for you all?" That love is Christ's love, we all fight and say that He is with us, yet we act as if He is with those of us in a certain church or religion, yet the truth is that he is with ALL of us individually and as a collective. Why is it that we can not see that? Why is it that we all assume one is damned and another is saved? Why is humanity unable to accept ideas not their own? Respect for others is vital to having peace in our lives. We must respect each other's way of life, even if it differs. I think that is why I have gained some peace in my life. I have learned to see others and their life and accept the differences and to see the similarities. It is almost a zen type lifestyle, but the inner peace I have now, the calm is serene and wonderful. No wonder Buddhist Monks seem so calm! I should probably try meditation as well. Of course I still believe in the gospel and everything, but I am adopting some other ways of thinking and making my life easier with it.

Life is good.

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