Sunday, December 12, 2010

An insulted Intelligence

My psychology professor DARED insult my intelligence in front of the entire class on Saturday. We had our final exam (open book mind you) and she was going on and on about how "hard" is was and that we would really need to take our time to make sure we passed. Well an hour after starting I was done. I mean really it was 50 multiple choice questions and I had the book right there to find the answers. It really is not hard work, but when she saw I was done she made this big ordeal out of it. I had to take a lined paper and my test to the front of the class and she told me which problems were wrong. ALL NINE OF THEM. *Gasp* OH no! I would have only gotten a B! *swoon* Luckily for me though she is such a dear and let me go back and correct all nine of my mistakes. Ten minutes later I turned in my test and walked triumphantly out of the class. Of course I was wearing a smug look on my face because I had managed to correct at least seven of them for sure. There were two that I had my doubts about, but is better than the twenty another guy missed. I mainly was peeved because she was acting as if I would have gotten a horribly large amount wrong and she was assuming I am of a lesser intelligence than her test. GAH!

Needless to say I didn't even study for the damn thing. Suck on that Dr. Lopez

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