Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Whole New Year!

Holy smokes it's been awhile since I posted anything! A whole bunch has happened since last time....okay maybe not a whole bunch, but this post will probably be longer than my usual! So last time I posted I had taken my Psychology final...well guess what? I GOT AN A IN THE CLASS!!! WOOT WOOT! I got a B+ in Sociology and a *gasp* D+ in History...but considering I missed two weeks because I was attending an out of state's to be expected.

So for Christmas I got from my family pajamas, a nice jacket that keeps me toasty, a thermos, the first season of Glee, Moulin Rouge, a heart necklace from Erica, a necklace from my dad, Slim jims, Hot Cheetos, and a 100 dollar gift card from my grandma.
Robert got me a DVD series of A Haunting, some yummy smelling lotion/soap, a GREEN leatherman, and his mom gave me a scented lotion/soap/body spray thing.

Overall it was a good Christmas and THANKFULLY Robert's mechanical watch I bought him got here in time! Dang thing came all the way from Japan. He really liked and I was thrilled!

I spent New Year's Eve at his house with his parents, Zach, Phil, and Sal. O_O Yeah Sal got there a couple hours before me and delivered a bottle of...some form of alcohol I can't quite recall to their house as gift from my parents. It was rather shocking when he opened the front door when I arrived, but after awhile I relaxed and we all enjoyed the evening. Erica is in town this week and it has been nice seeing her and her dog Bear. We are going to do a photo shoot this week so that should be fun. The family took photos on New Year's Day to update them and as  usual it was a blast! I didn't quite realize how hysterical we all are together until I realized how tortured our photographer probably was. She was a champ though and was laughing and managed to reign us in a bit to get the shoot done.

Jacqui, Erica, and I are supposed to go have "girl time" on Wednesday...except we don't even know what we are doing! LOL I hope it is warm though because I think I might be getting sick....or actually I think I have been sick I just haven't done anything about it, but now that I have health insurance maybe I can go to the doctor yes? My throat today has been weird and at work I started coughing a bit and it hasn't really gone away and now I have this runny nose. I hate being sick so I am hoping that this is some weird bodily phase. Knowing my luck its bronchitis or pneumonia...since I always seem to get both. GAH!

Zach is moving in the next week or so to Salt Lake City. It is so sad that he is actually moving! Than he is telling me that he and Robert plan on rooming together in August if his mom rents a house to them. So that means I have to get my butt in gear to make sure I can join them up there because than I really will be without my best friends down here! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I already am looking at places though that allow pets (because its a necessity) and that are decently priced. I would be able to find work up there pretty easy if I start applying before than and I use my many connections up there to find a job. Shouldn't be too hard since so many of my friends work in so many different places! It is exciting to look forward to.

The search for a better job is still on. Working at the Overton store has been an improvement on the not having to buy gas every other day or so, but the lack of funds is still there from not really working full time. :( But I shall prevail!

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