Sunday, December 5, 2010

The past week's Awkwardness

Awkward Moment from last week #1:

I was sitting in the computer lab at school just trying to pass the time when I noticed Robert walking towards me and in my horror I tried to hide what I had been looking at and I seriously HOPED that he hadn't seen me looking at it and I thought I got off the hook until he mentioned something about it on the way home.

The thing he caught me looking at? Wedding Dresses. >_<

Awkward Moment #2:

I got called a bitch by some girl I don't even know because I took the ball from her while playing soccer....okay...I thought that is how the game goes...sorry I didn't know I was supposed to let you keep the ball just because the boys let you.

Awkward Moment #3:

A group in Sociology presented on the same topic as my group....and they went before us....and had a lot of the same information....yeah...awkward

Those were the past week's top three awkward moments. I'm going to try and post some at the end of each week since there seems to be a lot of awkward moments for me in my life. This past week wasn't too special though. I started working at the Overton store (finally I know) and it has gone fairly well so far. I mean I understand for the most part everything, I just have to get a feel for how the store runs and all that. School is going well. Just finishing up the semester so I am trying to be patient and wait for it to end. BLEH!

Played some indoor soccer this week and it felt great...up until the moment that some red head thought she would "play" with us all. I took the ball from her when none of the guys would and she called me a bitch. O_O OMG what?! Just because I took the ball and maybe slightly pushed her. She didn't even have a mark or anything and she definitely wasn't getting the crap beaten out of her by the guys like I was! I mean seriosuly I was knocked down and slammed into the wall and stepped on and kicked, but in all fairness I was returning the favor to them. But she has the NERVE to call me that after I barely touch her and take the ball from her? Wow....someone needs to learn that if they are going to play with the boys they need to learn how to play like a boy. Sheesh! I swear though if she calls me that again I am going to say something about it.

I bought Robert's christmas gift already. I am pretty excited about it but I hope it gets here before Christmas....I hope he likes it. I thought it was pretty cool and it fits certain criteria so hopefully its what he wanted....this is nerve wracking having to buy a gift for a boyfriend. I honestly have never had to do that for anyone. I figure I am going to get my sibs a Wii game and than my parents probably something else but idk what yet. Well got to go workout...I am down 5 lbs and I have to keep going! 160 here I come!!!

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