Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It really does!

Here it is! The long awaited posting about what has been consuming my life lately! It Works Global and their Uh-MAZING products!Back in June I signed up as a distributor for It Works (link to my site below) and I haven't looked back! I did it on a whim, a shot in the dark, a hope for a better future and so far I haven't done too bad! The best part is that I managed to get a couple wraps on me before the wedding and I didn't have to have my dress taken out at all! The zipper had been a little bit close to popping, but after being wrapped it fit perfectly, if not just a little loose.

For those who don't know what a wrap is, it is a nonwoven cloth that has a natural botanically based lotion on it. You place the wrap on, wrap yourself up in an ace bandage or form fitting shirt or even tights and 45 minutes later you take it off, rub the remaining lotion in and VOILA! There should be some shrinkage, but the amazing thing is that over the next 72 hours YOU KEEP LOSING!!! You just have to make sure you drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins being released from your fat cells. This isn't water weight happening. It is inch loss. The lotion helps to shrink fat cells which expand when they are loaded down with toxic junk...and water helps to flush it right out!

I and so many others have experience the magic of this wrap and the other products sold. If you want to know more about it works click the link.below and search around. You can message me through my contact information on the site if you wish to know more!


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