Sunday, August 11, 2013

How I stopped stressing

For those of you who have followed this blog for awhile, and those who have just clicked on it, you know I have had a long and ardous struggle with depression and anxiety. Heck most of my most emotional (and more popular) posts were done in times of great sorrow. Last year I elected to stop taking the anti-depressants I was on. I didn't like feeling like a zombie, and I didn't like all the side effects that come with those medications. I've struggled with that on and off and while I've been an emotional train wreck at times, I have been happier off of them.

It got to a point though where, especially now that I'm married, my emotional stability (already fragile) was being completely obliterated. Poor Hubby has had to comfort me almost every day for the past couple of months as stress piled with other emotional traumas piled up. I decided to do something about it and as you know from previous posts I am a distributor for IT Works Global and I have started taking the Confianza supplements they have. It is an anti-stess formula that has also amazingly been helping with my depression! I've only been taking it for a week so far, but after years of living how I was I can honestly say I feel amazing.

The best part is that there aren't any side effects! It is hard to explain just how clouded and poisonous my thoughts/ feelings were, but let me tell you I have been able to think.more clearly than even when I was on antidepressants. I understand I've been on it for a week, and most people wouldn't take anyone at their word for it, but for the first time in my life I am actually happy and I don't get irritated or stressed at the drop of a dime. My anxiety levels have dropped and even in situations that made me snap or cry last week I am able to get through with ease!

I will continue to take Confianza because it is a natural supplement, it doesn't give me side effects (who needs to be jittery like a junkie?), and it gives me the ability to be in control and notnthe other way around.

If you want to know more about whats in it, or how much it costs check out my site:

Or comment below :) It really is worth a look.

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