Monday, September 23, 2013

The one where we clean

I'm going through a cleaning process in my life. Both in the home and in my heart. It sounds so cheesy to admit it, but there is a much needed, uh, need for it.

Homewise we haven't been very good with the cleaning. A photo has been attached of the state our living room has been in for TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!!!! I HAVE to do something about it and soon! We've been tackling the kitchen together thankfully, but I want to get this place nice looking so we can have people over and not be ashamed or have to make excuses. Also I always feel better with a clean environment. I once was told a clean home invites the Holy Ghost to reside in know the whole" no unclean thing" and it totally makes sense. Why would we feel The Spirit if we are living in filfth?

Heartwise I am striving to be more spiritually minded. We haven't been doing so hot on reading the scriptures and praying. If we cook together we say a prayer, but we don't often have that opportunity. Some spiritual support I am right? The guilt is even worse when I think about how we should be working on being temple worthy. We are paying tithing though so that's a good start, but we need to actually get to church. A few of the weekends I have had to work, but sometimes I just end up sleeping through and I end up kicking myself over it. Satan knows just how to hold me back from my full potential and at times it feels like I just let the stinker win. Well not anymore!

We've promised each other that we'll do our best to help the other be more spiritually minded and we are making Christ the center of our home and marriage. Sometimes all we need is a little bit of cleaning up to put us in the right mindset. :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The one with the dream

So I woke up this morning cracking up and the hubs was looking at me like I am crazy. What was the cause of the hilarity?

I had a dream and for some reason I called someone in it a toilet. Apparently it was very hilarious and I laughed for a solid ten minutes before drifting back to sleep.

I don't remember what the wording was exactly or what was even happening but I do remember crying because I was breathlessly trying to explain just what was so hilarious to Jonathan.

Poor guy just called me crazy and rolled over and went back to sleep. He must love me so to put up with such shenanigans. Apparently it's a common occurrence in the Saunders household. I talk a lot in my sleep and he will amuse himself by interacting with me.

And all I get from him is mumbles...:(

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Aaaand sleep fails me

Work will be here soon and I know once the alarm goes off I am going to regret not trying just a wee bit harder to sleep. It's hard sometimes to tell my brain to shut up and go to aleep. Especially when said brain is simply refusing to pay you any mind. Stupid head.

Well since we're here let's chat a bit. For those of you who are possibly just joining the conversation I bid you welcome. This is the Adventures of Nadia (Me) and most , if not all of these posts, offer insight into my small insignificant dent on this planet. For those who have been a part of the conversation for awhile, I thank you ....also you can stop worrying about my baby post. It's not happening. Not for awhile. Let's just say I came to my senses and realized I am incredibly selfish and want my husband all to me for as long as Heavenly Father will allow it. I know everything happens in its own time and I'm claiming temporary insanity brought on by pinterest and facebook. Babies are everywhere and its like some kind of adorable plague!

Well tata for now....the hubs will be home soon and will be quite upset that I have yet again failed to sleep when I should. Poor dear worries about it more than he should. Definitely going to use it as an excuse for a snuggle naptime tomorrow!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Birthday wishes..

How do you tell someone that what you want for your birthday is something they cN't give to you right now/ won't give to you? How do you explain that the very gift on your mind is something you shouldn't want? See the hubs keeps asking what I want for my birthday in a few weeks and all that keeps popping into my mind is a baby. ...I know. We've been married for almost two months and already I got baby on the brain. I'm thinking exposure to all these pregnant women and newborns is to blame. I can't get the idea out of my head and its driving me nuts. I already know the arguements for not having one right now, but it still just won't leave! *sigh* The worst part is that I don't even know how to tell him and i'm too scared/ embarassed about my change of heart to say anything. I've been saying since day one that I don't want any right away and now its on my mind waaaay to often to even be comfortable about.

I've been stressing about this and I keep trying to talk myself out of it. We don't have the money, we don't have any school finished, our apartment isn't big enough, I don't have insurance, we just got married, and a whole list of other things that make valid arguements...and than it all goes away in the blink of an eye. Every. Single. Arguement. *POOF* Gone with the wind, never to be seen again. At least until the next day when the cycle begins again.

What's a girl to do? Can someone out there lend a hand or some helpful advice?