Monday, September 2, 2013

Birthday wishes..

How do you tell someone that what you want for your birthday is something they cN't give to you right now/ won't give to you? How do you explain that the very gift on your mind is something you shouldn't want? See the hubs keeps asking what I want for my birthday in a few weeks and all that keeps popping into my mind is a baby. ...I know. We've been married for almost two months and already I got baby on the brain. I'm thinking exposure to all these pregnant women and newborns is to blame. I can't get the idea out of my head and its driving me nuts. I already know the arguements for not having one right now, but it still just won't leave! *sigh* The worst part is that I don't even know how to tell him and i'm too scared/ embarassed about my change of heart to say anything. I've been saying since day one that I don't want any right away and now its on my mind waaaay to often to even be comfortable about.

I've been stressing about this and I keep trying to talk myself out of it. We don't have the money, we don't have any school finished, our apartment isn't big enough, I don't have insurance, we just got married, and a whole list of other things that make valid arguements...and than it all goes away in the blink of an eye. Every. Single. Arguement. *POOF* Gone with the wind, never to be seen again. At least until the next day when the cycle begins again.

What's a girl to do? Can someone out there lend a hand or some helpful advice?

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