Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Perfect Guy

I need a guy who actually WANTS to be with me and actually LOVES me...not just thinks he does but actually does in fact think the sun shines out of my rear. I know I am not perfect but honestly what are the chances that I would end up with guys who either just magically overnight fall out of love with me or they just aren't in a place in their life where they are capable of feeling anything for anyone but themselves?! For once I want someone to fight for me instead of me fighting for some guy who won't give me the time of day. I see all these girls with guys and I can't help but think that they must of had some Divine Intervention with that because honestly how does someone meet the person they are going to spend eternity with in such a short amount of time whilst I am sitting here perfectly capable of having a decently wonderful relationship with no guys even glancing at me.
That is another thing! What is with these guys always chasing the skinnier ditzy girls who don't even really care about them? And than they go complaining to girls like me who are always there to talk to and are in fact better for them than those skanks who think all guys are their playthings? Now sorry to any of you who have been offended by this...especially if you yourself are one of those said skanks, but really can't you give us other girls a chance? Stop toying with guys and screwing your fellow sisters over! I just for once want a guy to overlook some drop dead gorgeous girl and look at me and realize what he has been missing his entire life....okay so maybe not that dramatic but hey a girl can dream!
I know I am not anyone special or significant enough to really have an opinion that matters but honestly I just don't care anymore. I want my voice heard and so help me it will be! I am sick and tired of people's messed up opinions on what makes a woman or what we should look like. I spent most of my life feeling awkward and ugly because of what people have told me, but this has got to stop! EVERY woman, girl, young adult female, whoever is beautiful in their own way, shape, and form. Anyone who would tell us otherwise could suck my big toe for all I care. Who asked them anyways?

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