Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Apologies

Wow talk about not writing for's been what? Like almost two months? SHEESH you people have probably just been DYING to know what is going on in my life...okay maybe not but here let me fill you in.

Colton and I tried things out and it didn't work so we went back to being really weird friends and I moved up to Provo to start my new life away from any safety net and I am currently preparing to serve a mission (which wouldn't be til next year), despite the doubts some people have about me being single that long because let's face it...I moved to the LDS breeding grounds without a significant other already. To put it lightly I am doomed. But than again most people underestimate my ability to get the things I really want so I may end up on a mission afterall!

Tomorrow I have a job interview for Dialogue Marketing which means if I get the job I will be working with Jenny, Joey, and Rob!! WOOT WOOT! hahaha talk about EPIC! Anyways life in Provo is going really well and I am excited.

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