Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to the new roomie!

Well the fourth of us has finally move in which means I don't get the bathroom to myself anymore, but that also means I am not the only one who has to clean it either! See there is an up to every down. Actually I don't mind sharing it with my new roommate. She is an awesome girl as far as I can tell and we get along fairly easily and I think I could honestly become friends with her which is saying a lot for me.
Cleaning checks were today and sadly we did not pass all of them....ugh one bathroom (NOT mine) failed and no one cleaned the microwave or the stove so I gotta clean that before friday comes around. Other than that we passed everything else so YAY!!! I went to Wal Mart today with Roy to get cleaning supplies and what not and we randomly ran into Dennis! How fun is that?! I am trying to get Dennis to do Institute Choir with Joey and I in the afternoons instead of at night because we are cool like that. OH! I finally got some picture frames for that stuff I got from Deseret Book and hung them up on the walls...finally the apartment looks like people actually live in it AND it smells really pretty thanks to MOI buying scenty stuff.
Work is going good...well actually I got called f-ing worthless on saturday and this guy threatened to call the cops but besides that it couldn't be better! Colton started working today and one of my FHE sons (I AM FHE MOMMY!!!) is applying to work there! For serious that would be cool if he worked there. I honestly couldn't ask for a better FHE family....they are all so amazing and funny.
I struggle with feelings of inadequacy though...I know I am faulted but I am trying to overcome those faults and live a productive life. I am so gratefull for all I have been given and I can't wait to start school in the Winter. I really miss being in classes. I am glad to be going to Institue classes though. At least I can learn and spiritually grow at the same time!

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