Saturday, May 22, 2010


If you can imagine me dancing this is the song I am shaking my booty too...


That's has been a week and believe it or not my mind has not changed since last fact I have found some scripture this week that has let me know that I ...CAN do this!!!!!!!! AGH!!!! Interview with the Branch President? Pfft easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Those scripture verses were/ are
Alma 13:28-30
"But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love, and long suffering;"
"Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall recieve eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."
"And may the Lord grant unto you repentance, that ye may not bring down his wrath upon you, that ye may not be bound by the chains of hell, that ye may not suffer the second death."
Alma 14:13
"And Alma said: Be it according to the will of the Lord. But behold, our work is not finished; therefore they burn us not."
Alma 15:16
"And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek' Amulek having forsaken all hsi gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred."
These have really spoken to me and taught me alot about what I need to do and what I need to work on. I always feel really connected to Alma and his life and teachings. My patriarchal blessing says something in it and I automatically always think of Alma. I also have learned a lot of Amulek's sacrifice in choosing to go with Alma to bring the word of God to the people. I take courage in what both those noble men did.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Me and My Merry Men

What on Earth am I going to do for 18 months without having my friends? Specifically my guy friends. Lately (specifically since Sunday) they have seemed to really step up and has not ceased to amaze me. For one Charlie is being such a sport about it all and being supportive. Kenny drove up to Mesquite and back on tuesday just to pick me up form work when I unexpectedly got to get off work early. And Robert asked if I wanted to go see Robin Hood on Thursday....really? Oh and wonders of all wonders Colton randomly ( and unprovokedly) sent me a text message today asking how I was doing.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The last stretch...of the beginning

So I talked to President Leavitt on Sunday about me going on a mission and we are meeting again next Sunday for my first interview and after that is time to start my papers!!! I am so excited about it and I could tell that he could definitely tell and my happy attitude was really infectious and was spreading because everyone I was talking to started smiling and everything. I am so excited and I can't believe that he is just as amped about it too! I got to see Chase and Colton on Sunday too and man was it exciting and just what I needed! I missed those two and it is so great to have Chase home and Colton visiting! Work sucked, but really I was too happy to even notice. I am using work to practice being nice to everyone and letting Christ's love shine through me. It really has improved my attitude about work and about life. I love my Savior and I am so happy to have this opportunity to serve Him!!!!!! I could be gone by my birthday...holy wow! I already know I have to get my wisdom teeth out and stuff, but at least I won't have a billion dentist visits just to find that out hahaha. I am worried about my finances though, but I know that Heavenly Father will help me out and provide opportunities to get those things settled.
President is going to help me talk to my family about it and I am going to do my best to make it easy. I know they won't approve, but I honestly hope that they can open their hearts to the idea of it. I have so much support from friends and so many others and I am lifted by that, but family is family and I will always love them. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent me to this family and I am so happy to be a member of it. Their love means so much to me and I am so happy when around them.

It will be crazy to be gone for a year and a half, and with everything that changes and is changing I don't know what to expect. I know things will be different and I know that I will change as well. I am going to learn so much and experience so many things and my mind is already blown by it all!

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Directions...not like "GLEE"

I have been so tired lately with working and sleeping and relationshipping. I never really knew it was this much work to actually...I don't Of course I am happy with my life right now, but why does it make me so tired? I shouldn't complain though because I am blessed enough to have a job and to be living with my parents and to have an amazing boyfriend...

So why do I feel like I am not on the right path?

All day today I have been feeling like I am on a good path, but one that isn't for me at this time. Like I skipped a couple steps or something. Mainly I can't help but feel that I need to go on a mission, but I don't want to end up ending things with Charlie after we FINALLY got together after everything! I am calling President Leavitt and seeing if I can talk to him about all of this. Cuz this sister is certainly confused.

CHASE HAUVER IS HOME! I haven't seen that kid in two years and I probably still won't see him until his homecoming talk this Sunday. It was funny because I was talking to his brother Oliver and I said to tell Chase "hi" and Oliver texted me back right away saying "Chase says 'hi' back" lol apparently Chase was right next to him. It is so great to have him home! Now all the Phab Phive needs is Jaren home and our group is complete...of course I might be on a mission before he gets home so they will have to wait for me! We buried a time capsule before Tristin left on his mission (well the Sexy Six did) and we said we wouldn't dig it up until the last of us was home from the mission. Well Jenny is married, Tristin and Colton came home early, Chase just finished his mission, Jaren still has about ten months or so, and I am kinda in limbo if I am going or not right now. It is really exciting though and I am glad to have a friend back!

OMG the last song on GLEE this week made me cry...I don't even really know why, but I was crying a little and I was kind of embarassed, but I didn't care because it was cool. I love that show!!!! Also I am all caught up on True Blood now so this week I won't be confused on the episode hahaha also my mom has the newest Sookie Stackhouse Novel but she won't let me read it yet. I am bummed and pretty sad because I love those books and she is an impossibly slow reader while I could easily read it in a couple days or so and have it back to her pronto! I am so glad though that SEVEN  more books are being written. EEEEK!!! My life is way happy now!!!!!!

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the past week...just to show you how awesome it has been.

"As long as you are stripping things...and not people"- Sister Bush talking to Charlie at his house when he said he liked stripping things....she was looking at me when she said "people"

"I hope mom shares"- My sister Taylor. Now imagine her drooling over a box of chocolate strawberries that my sister erica had sent my mom for mother's day/ her birthday. It made me laugh.

"Do you sell hot dogs?"-Random McDonald's customer dogs... O_O

"Believe it or not her cake was pretty good!"-Me accidently making the Relief Society President sound like a bad baker....she actually is pretty amazing...believe it or not... XD

Friday, May 7, 2010

Relationship Status has changed.

Charles Sherman Bush and myself are in a relationship. Yes it is true....and no it isn't a joke or something although it is pretty funny that it took us this long to get going. We have been really close friends for a couple years now and finally we are together!!!! His dad put is the best way "It's about damn time!" For most people it came out of the blue, but he and I have been talking about it on and off for a few weeks now and we made it official yesterday! I am so happy and I am amazingly grateful that he is in my life. He and I went to do baptisms for the dead and I was nervous the whole time, but when I came out from changing I saw him being a witness for a group before us and I was just overwhelmed with feelings that I can't even explain. He baptized me and I was just...I could cry haha. I am so glad that he has the Power of the Priesthood and was able to be there with me for my first time doing baptisms. Being there in the temple with him was pretty much awesome and we are going to do baptisms more often together.

We have been together for one day and already I am happy beyond measure haha I have been smiling all day and I can't stop smiling! I found a guy who fits my patriarchal blessing and I didn't even know it til I actually gave him a chance! Funny how Heavenly Father placed him in front of me and I was too stubborn to really notice. No matter what happens with us I will never us at all. He is one of my best friends and we will always have that. Yes we annoy the crap outta each other at times, and we fight over things, but we always come back to each other and move forward instead of staying in one place. I am so excited to see what is in store for us and I am so glad to have this chance at happiness with him! Life is very good right now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some Pictures of my life lately

Charlie and I at the Clark County Fair!!!

I started working at McDonald's

Miracle League-ing with the siblings!

My bestest friend Barbara came to visit!!!!

Erica came back home to NV for the fair

I will post up more when i get more. I really should be good at posting more pics up on this thing to actually prove I exist and live life as I say hahaha but for now you all will have to be content at just waiting for them.

Didn't see that coming

Turns out life is surprisingly amazingly awesome sometimes. Heavenly Father has released me of that one guy.....yeah clean slate and no attachments anymore. I feel so light and lifted and just completely free to move on and to find someone who knows I am worth fighting for. I know that now and I know that being in that type of situation where it is one sided is no bueno for anyone. I find myself open to new options and opportunities and I feel like a huge weight has lifted and I am actually happier. I honestly think that the situation I was in was keeping me depressed and now that I am done with it I feel so much better. Of course I still have a problem, but I know that I am one step closer to true happiness. Tomorrow I see Dr. Brad and than in two weeks I see Wade. I am going to drop off some scripts tomorrow so I can get back on my meds.

Want in on a secret? I am amazingly fast at the Drive Thru...pretty sure I am wicked awesome and everyone knows it...okay so maybe I am not exactly pro, but I do have some pretty impressive skills. I have learned patience and how to be kind to complete a-holes from working here. Thank you Mickey D's for teaching me things I forgot how to smile even when I want to punch someone and foot massaging!