Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Twenty Years of Pure Awesome

That is right people I am officially twenty years and one week old. I have graced this Earth for this long and what do I have to show for it? Absolutely a whole lot! I have a wonderful family and amazingly true friends! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and am living here in this beautiful (yet currently FREEZING) state of Utah. I have a job, a high school degree, and many skills and talents which I have been able to hone over the years. One might look back on my relatively short life and claim that most of it has been...well to put it simply...one giant trip down the crapper, but to tell you the truth I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!

Here are some goals I have set for the next year of my life:
1. Begin my studying of the fine art of Photography.
2. Save enough money to be able to serve a mission if I am in fact going to serve one.
3. Visit my sister in France.
4. Watch the sun rise and set in one sitting.
5. Fulfill all my callings and magnify them to the fullest.
6. Date more.
7. Bear my testimony EVERY chance I get.
8. Attend Institute classes faithfully.
9. Get a new car/ sell my current one.
10. Bring joy to those I come into contact with.

I have many more personal ones but those are my main ones that I hope to accomplish. I am really seriously working towards going on a mission and I know that is something I should be doing. I know there is a chance that some charming RM will come and sweep my off my feet and carrying off into eternity, BUT since the chances of that happening are relatively slim even though I am in Provo (the breeding grounds of the church) I am looking forward to when I can turn in my mission papers...which would be June 30, 2010 since apparently I can turn them in three months ahead of my 21st birthday. I doubt I would be ready to turn them in then but I know if I prepare myself that things will fall in place.

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