Monday, February 8, 2010

Cough Cough Go Away

So my tiny little cold has turned into this monster of a coughing problem :( No es bueno! Last time I got a cough it turned into Bronchitis and than turned into Walking Pneumonia...yeah don't need any of that going on!!!!

Jace's funeral was today and it was pretty bittersweet. Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorom of the Twelve Apostles came and spoke and to Kami and I it seemed like a high school reunion. People we hadn't seen in awhile came from all over to the funeral. Jenny came down with Colton and it was so crazy seeing her baby bump! I also saw Joy and Roy and decided I need to go visit Joy sometime soon, since I haven't talked to her in a really long time. Anyways it was so surreal being there and I was doing fine until I went to the viewing. Seeing him in that coffin dressed in white with his name badge in the coffin just....I had to work really hard not to cry. A ton of our class got together and bought a flower arrangement in the form of a blue X from the Skull and Bones Club that he and Travis Rust had started our Junior year. I remember going to meetings and being one of the original club members. It was such a good time. We heard so many good stories and wonderful things about him, but the most touching part was when his grandfather was reading letters from Jace from the mission. Hearing how much he had grown in a year and how spiritually strong he was, it really just drove the point home that he was ready to return to Heavenly Father. Jace was prepared to go home.

I am thinking about going into Dental Assisting. I have no problems with sticking my hands in people's mouths haha. There is a program like a ten week course that my mom is encouraging me to go into. Dentists are always hiring for assistants and it would be a good career and training to have for the future and everything. I am pretty excited though, I have a job interview on Wednesday in St. George. It is at 9pm  O_O yeah I think I might end up staying at Kami's that night or just getting home late and sleeping in like crazy on thursday hahaha. Tomorrow Jarom and I are hanging out all day I think....that should prove interesting. He is a cool guy though so no worries!

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