Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Slowly fading

My heart has slowly been fading away all day. Tears threaten to break the surface as I force myself to get through another hour, minute, second. Thoughts turning in my head; chaos reigns as sanity flees every crevass of my mind. No longer able to focus on anything but the fate of this one moment. The inevitable meeting looming in the distance casting a shadow on the present.
What will happen if I lose it all? I can't think about it without wanting to vanish. Sleep has become my only escape from reality and so my body begins to shut down. This time...this pain... It goes deeper than anything before. What if I lose the very thing that gave me a reason to continue? What if I am left alone again?
These questions plague me and taunt me with answers that I dread.
My only hope is that this is the dark workings of my mind and not a reality I will soon have to face. I must remain positive or else I will fall away into oblivion.

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