Saturday, October 22, 2011

A spiritual return.

I have to be honest and say that my participation in the church has been...nonexistant for over a year. It started out with hurt pride and than it turned into laziness and unwillingness.  I am sick of who I have become. I am tired of how empty I feel without the church in my life. I have done things I regret and some I don't. It has been a real lesson to me and now I am taking what I have learned and making a return to that spiritual ground I was once on.
Not going to lie though I am stumbling a bit as far as reading and praying goes, but I am determined to finish reading the B.O.M. by the end of the year and I am also reading The Miracle of Forgiveness. I'm trying to live the gospel as best I can and am working on one thing at a time. I know if I try to do it all at once I will lose what little footing I have.
First step is reading and praying daily. I was never the best at either on a daily basis but thats why I am starting there.  Got to have a strong foundation otherwise no matter what I build my spiritual house will crumble. I am even asking for at least one Sunday off a month so that I can attend church.
I have to do this. I am doing this. I have wandered off and gotten lost because I did not hold to the rod. I know I am can find even ground again and live how I am supposed to. I have missed the joy I feel when at church or at institute. Yes I don't like more than half of my branch but that shouldn't stop me from going.

Hopefully those in my life can experience benefits from this as well. I just want to be a good influence and a beacon of good.

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