Friday, January 28, 2011

My Poor Wrist!

So I closed tonight at work and I closed on the grill which means I made sandwiches and whatever for everyone tonight. Part of closing is cleaning the grill and wiping it down. While wiping it down my hand slipped and my wrist landed on the grill....which was still on (we weren't closed at this point in time) and still had juices and what not on it. I automatically pulled my arm away, but I had juice still stuck on my wrist! I knew right away that I would get some blisters, but I didn't quite realize how much of my wrist had hit the grill and what an odd angle I hit it at. I will try to get a picture of it up here soon, but yes I do have to say it is some of my finest work to date. It really stinks though because tomorrow I am the grill closer again and since my burn in on my right wrist (and I am conveniently right handed) the heat from everything is going to aggravate the burn more. :( But I go on yes? Also I noticed that I am one of the only non-managers who is working 5 days a week now. Awesomeness? I think so! More days means more money which means I will be getting better paychecks! HUZZAH!

Of course working more days will probably be moot if I get the job I applied for. It is a Houseparent job with the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth in their Independent Living Program. I would be living on site (in a furnished condo that they pay rent and utilities for) and I would perform nightly condo checks and random weekends ones. I would also be on call nightly for emergencies. I am really excited because it would be a good opportunity to work in the field that I want my career in. It is fairly basic and I wouldn't be counseling or anything, but it is a foot-in-door type of situation because I would have to opportunity to make netwroking connections and gain experience and meet people who can counsel me and guide me. I seriously hope I get this job. I am super way excited about it!

Yes indeedy life is turning out quite grand all of a sudden. I even have an appointment to meet with my visiting teachers this weekend!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Sick

Upon talking to a good friend tonight I realized just how sick I am of just dealing with life as it comes to me. I realized that I have had this passive role in my own life even when I have been telling others to take charge and live theirs! So in order to change this I am making a plan for my life and goals that I want and not factoring anyone other than me in them. Yes it sounds selfish, but I really need to stop letting my life revolve around others so much. I mean take for example Robert probably moving to Northern Utah. Now that was my plan like a year ago and I gave it away thinking that by moving I would be throwing away what I have with him. Now I would still gladly move up there, BUT I also just got the Millenium Scholarship so I can attend school here in Nevada for free (well I have to pay for books). I was worried about education and all that but it seems that Heavenly Father is quietly letting me know where I should be for now. Education is very important to me and while it will suck to be away from Robert, I also know that I need to place my education at a higher value than my relationship...or at least at the same level. I know we will see each other and everything, but I also know that the distance could very well end us.

So my plan for now (educationally speaking) is to continue at CSN until I get my associates and than from there I will go to UNLV or to UNR and get my Bachelor's providing the Millenium doesn't run out before than. Now as far as work and where I will be living goes I am thinking I will stay at McDonald's and get a second job. With two jobs (or just more hours at McDonalds) I can afford a place of my own AND finish paying off those pesky debts. Where would I live you ask? Well despite how much Robert and others probably won't like it I am considering moving to Las Vegas. It would bring me closer to school (since I find I like learning on campus) and while the economy sucks there are a few more job opportunities than up here. If not moving to Vegas I want to get an apartment here in town and than take classes online (which won't be so great but it'll do).

Of course this all depends on a few others things but tentatively that is the plan....for now.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So that's embarassing...

So I was slightly late to my first class but it went okay because the professor didn't even care. I got in and it was a mad house! Everyone was rushing around trying to fill out this paper thing that the professor had given them and before I could even figure out what was going on a student came up to me and asked me to fill in one of the blanks on there. I put my stuff down, signed the blank, than went to drop my stuff off in a seat I though would be good. Later during class I realized I hadn't turned my phone on silent so I search my bag all over and I can't find my phone or my keys. I can't quite panic because the professor is talking and we were supposed to be listening. I start scanning the room thinking I might have dropped it or placed it somewhere and sure enough on a chair on the other side of the room sits my phone and my car keys. O_O

How I managed to leave them there the entire class without freaking out I do not know. But as soon as class was dismissed I jetted over and picked them up. Luckily I was in the same class for my next class so I didn't feel too awkward about it. Honestly though the embarassment did not end there. Math we got this paper/ homework thing to fill out and I honestly did not know anything on it. It was simple factoring, but really it has been about 3 years since I have taken a math class!!! As soon as the professor started doing the problems on the board I remembered what I was supposed to do and it went easier from there. OI! I already know I am going to need help. I am pretty sure I am going to need super math genious help and luckily for me I am dating a super math genious! Poor Robert is going to have a hard time trying to help me. Math and myself do not get along at all.

Ballroom was pretty fun although I was having some difficulty with the progressive step for the waltz. It was awkward dancing with guys I don't know, but at least we were all learning. There was one guy I danced with and he seemed rather miffed to slow down the tempo because at the speed he was going I kept messing up. Seriously porgressive step for some reason is kinda confusing for me, but I know I will get it down! Our Ballroom instructor is Sergei Popov....seriously homeboy is straight from the Motherland and I seriously was like *score* when he walked in and started talking. Absolutely fantastic yes?

Overall though I think I am really going to enjoy this semester!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Boom Boom Pow!

Today is the day! School starts again...of course in a few hours since it has only been today for 41 minutes or so hahaha I just am really excited for classes and for the semester!!!! I have all my books and I am so ready to get my learning on! Everyone though seems to think that makes me a nerd for some reason which I absolutely do not get? Shouldn't one strive to strengthen their intelligence? I mean seriously we can't all slide backwards mentally here. In a world where everyone is seeking physical perfection, I am striving to reach highest levels of mental perfection that I can. Well it is true that I am working out and trying to lose weight it isn't really for physical perfection, it just means I need to get healthy. Mentally though I can achieve so much more. Knowledge is my ultimate drug of choice! It is going to be sad though driving down without Robert on Mondays and Wednesdays. He won't be joining me until March. :(

At work today I got told I will be getting more hours since everyone likes working with me and I am a reliable worker. That's fantastic isn't it? I am pretty bummed though because there is an interview on Thursday for the SunWarrior job and I was hoping to make it so I can get that second job I was wanting in addition to my current one but I can't find anyone to cover my shift or switch with me. I am going to ask on Tuesday when i go in to work and see if a manager can help me out. I think if I explain my situation they will help me as long as they know I am not going to be quitting. I need two jobs to be able to pay off the rest of my debts and save money and be able to have money for gas after the other two are taken care of. more hours though is nice and since I don't have any big ticket things to pay (like tuition) right now the money i make with the one job can easily be split between gas and bills, but it's going to barely have enough to save or even for cushion if something does happen. I am not losing hope though and I know something will work itself out!

I have lost three pounds so far and I am super happy about it! I feel good about my working out and trying to eat better. I am hopefully going to be able to bring a lunch to school each day and just eat while doing homework somewhere. I have a few hours between classes so I can get my work done than, but I know I am going to need to find something to do to spend the time. I was thinking of paying the like 12 bucks it costs to get the student activities card so that I can use the gym on campus, but with all the classes I have I just might need all the spare time I can get!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gettin my Learned-ing on!

School starts next week and I am so flipping pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously can't wait! On Saturday Robert and I are going down to Vegas to buy our books and seriously I can not wait at all for Monday to come when I can start school again! One more semester down means one more semester closer to getting my degree! Of course I have to wait a bit to catch up for my math, BUT I can get all the other stuff out of the way fairly quickly. Robert luckily has only this last semester and than he get sto graduate! Sadly though his graduating means his moving. :( I am working things out and trying to see if I can move by the end of the summer. I am hoping by August to move up to the Salt Lake area. There is actually an apartment complex in Pleasant Grove that I really like. Of course I would need to save a ton of money and what not, which means I need to get a second job, or at least a massively better paying one. No worries though because where there is a will there is a way and I have the friggin will to make anything happen! The plan is that if I move up there I will enroll in the CNA program at the Salt Lake Community College so that I can become a Certified nursing Assistant and than I will be able to get a better (and more stable) job up there. I will hopefully be able to also take classes online at CSN while up there and keep my full time status so that I can be covered by Sal's insurance and than I will work and save money and than once my gpa is up I will transfer to either USU or BYU or even UVU....any of the colleges up there. I have actually thought this one out...this plan might actually work hahaha which of course makes for one very happy Nadia.

So I realized something important today at work ( I have my best ideas there)...I have been marriage focused and baby hungry (I will shamefully admit) and I kind of forgot all that I want to accomplish or experience BEFORE either of those happen. Yes I know *tsk tsk* for putting those spiritual matters aside for more selfish and worldly things, but I know that if I choose marriage and family I will regret not living out these dreams. Of course I want to have a family of my own one day, but not right away. I really want to at least have my Associates and a stable job (or career) before getting married, I want to have my own place and have it consistently for at the minimum of a year, and I want to travel a whole hell of a lot more than I already do. I want to go to Ireland, Argentina, Japan, Scotland, England, and Europe in general. I want to finish my book, learn new things, and experience life. Another thing I realized is that while I may not want to get married right away, I do want to share these things, these experiences with Robert. Cheesy I know, but I love the guy and I want to experience life with him.

Barbara came through the Drive Thru today while I was at work. It was pretty awesome and I went and was telling everyone there that my "best friend ever" was waiting for her food. Yeah I know it made me look like the World's biggest dork, but I love that girl and she knows it!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Been A Weird Year So Far

Between having someone at work crushing on me to being reminded of an Ex returning home soon, life has gotten....interesting to say the least. For Starters one of the guys at work has a crush on me and EVERYONE seems to mention something about it because let's be honest it isn't really a secret. It is slightly awkward though because everyone keeps making comments and once it got out that I have a boyfriend they told him and now what friendship we have managed to cultivate at work is now an awkward mess and is really just all "work" talk and nothing outside of it. *sigh* people tend to bungle things up so rudely sometimes. Than to top off the awkward situation Jason came into work and was ordering and we had bantered back and forth like old times when all of a sudden he drops the bomb of "Are you ready for Jaren to get home next month?" Like WTF? Why do I need to be ready? What do I need to be ready for? I mean yeah he is coming home, but how is that going to grossly affect my life? I was slightly surprised that he is coming home earlier than expected, but that doesn't necessarily have to affect my life does it? We were friends before and we will be friends after. Let's just forget that he and I planned a whole life together shall we? It's something that not many people know about our relationship (YES I have shared this with Robert) but that doesn't mean I am going to just drop everything I have now with Robert for the question of "what if?"

Lately though I feel incredibly blessed. Work is going good and I am trying to find a second job so that I may be able to earn and save more money as well as pay off my debts sooner. With that there seems to be opportunities for work presenting itself left and right and on the daily. It is hard not to see that Heavenly Father is helping me out with this. I feel like I am on the right path and the blessings that are pouring out are evidence of that. My mood has been better and I am getting things done more around the house and I am actually motivated to do stuff. I WENT TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY! Yeah the first time in 8 months or so and guess what? IT WAS FABULOUS!!! I felt great being there and I realized how much I actually missed it!!!!! I also found out that the Sister Missionaries are my Visiting Teachers. Now that I remember I need to call them tomorrow to figure out a time to meet with them! Barbara and I are going to be working out together on a daily basis and I am trying to read my scriptures daily. Life is turning around and I feel like I am climbing out of the spiritual bog of ickiness that I trapped myself in for so long. Thoughts of a mission have been running through my head again and I am contemplating it, but this time I am not going to run off and start anything until I am absolutely sure I can do it. I have some things financially to take care of before I can even begin to think about a mission and also I have to figure out where this relationship with Robert is going. We have been going out for 8 months now and although it's only been 8 months, it has also been a lot of time put towards building this relationship and I would be a foolish person not to factor it into this equation.

So Far 2011 has been a weird one, but it also has been an uplifting one. I look forward to the rest of the year.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Picture Update

The Christmas Loot

The Females in my Family

Best. Family. Ever.

All of the siblings

The Family...pretending to be normal

Best. Couple. Ever.

My famous Crack Cookies....

A Whole New Year!

Holy smokes it's been awhile since I posted anything! A whole bunch has happened since last time....okay maybe not a whole bunch, but this post will probably be longer than my usual! So last time I posted I had taken my Psychology final...well guess what? I GOT AN A IN THE CLASS!!! WOOT WOOT! I got a B+ in Sociology and a *gasp* D+ in History...but considering I missed two weeks because I was attending an out of state's to be expected.

So for Christmas I got from my family pajamas, a nice jacket that keeps me toasty, a thermos, the first season of Glee, Moulin Rouge, a heart necklace from Erica, a necklace from my dad, Slim jims, Hot Cheetos, and a 100 dollar gift card from my grandma.
Robert got me a DVD series of A Haunting, some yummy smelling lotion/soap, a GREEN leatherman, and his mom gave me a scented lotion/soap/body spray thing.

Overall it was a good Christmas and THANKFULLY Robert's mechanical watch I bought him got here in time! Dang thing came all the way from Japan. He really liked and I was thrilled!

I spent New Year's Eve at his house with his parents, Zach, Phil, and Sal. O_O Yeah Sal got there a couple hours before me and delivered a bottle of...some form of alcohol I can't quite recall to their house as gift from my parents. It was rather shocking when he opened the front door when I arrived, but after awhile I relaxed and we all enjoyed the evening. Erica is in town this week and it has been nice seeing her and her dog Bear. We are going to do a photo shoot this week so that should be fun. The family took photos on New Year's Day to update them and as  usual it was a blast! I didn't quite realize how hysterical we all are together until I realized how tortured our photographer probably was. She was a champ though and was laughing and managed to reign us in a bit to get the shoot done.

Jacqui, Erica, and I are supposed to go have "girl time" on Wednesday...except we don't even know what we are doing! LOL I hope it is warm though because I think I might be getting sick....or actually I think I have been sick I just haven't done anything about it, but now that I have health insurance maybe I can go to the doctor yes? My throat today has been weird and at work I started coughing a bit and it hasn't really gone away and now I have this runny nose. I hate being sick so I am hoping that this is some weird bodily phase. Knowing my luck its bronchitis or pneumonia...since I always seem to get both. GAH!

Zach is moving in the next week or so to Salt Lake City. It is so sad that he is actually moving! Than he is telling me that he and Robert plan on rooming together in August if his mom rents a house to them. So that means I have to get my butt in gear to make sure I can join them up there because than I really will be without my best friends down here! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I already am looking at places though that allow pets (because its a necessity) and that are decently priced. I would be able to find work up there pretty easy if I start applying before than and I use my many connections up there to find a job. Shouldn't be too hard since so many of my friends work in so many different places! It is exciting to look forward to.

The search for a better job is still on. Working at the Overton store has been an improvement on the not having to buy gas every other day or so, but the lack of funds is still there from not really working full time. :( But I shall prevail!