Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So that's embarassing...

So I was slightly late to my first class but it went okay because the professor didn't even care. I got in and it was a mad house! Everyone was rushing around trying to fill out this paper thing that the professor had given them and before I could even figure out what was going on a student came up to me and asked me to fill in one of the blanks on there. I put my stuff down, signed the blank, than went to drop my stuff off in a seat I though would be good. Later during class I realized I hadn't turned my phone on silent so I search my bag all over and I can't find my phone or my keys. I can't quite panic because the professor is talking and we were supposed to be listening. I start scanning the room thinking I might have dropped it or placed it somewhere and sure enough on a chair on the other side of the room sits my phone and my car keys. O_O

How I managed to leave them there the entire class without freaking out I do not know. But as soon as class was dismissed I jetted over and picked them up. Luckily I was in the same class for my next class so I didn't feel too awkward about it. Honestly though the embarassment did not end there. Math we got this paper/ homework thing to fill out and I honestly did not know anything on it. It was simple factoring, but really it has been about 3 years since I have taken a math class!!! As soon as the professor started doing the problems on the board I remembered what I was supposed to do and it went easier from there. OI! I already know I am going to need help. I am pretty sure I am going to need super math genious help and luckily for me I am dating a super math genious! Poor Robert is going to have a hard time trying to help me. Math and myself do not get along at all.

Ballroom was pretty fun although I was having some difficulty with the progressive step for the waltz. It was awkward dancing with guys I don't know, but at least we were all learning. There was one guy I danced with and he seemed rather miffed to slow down the tempo because at the speed he was going I kept messing up. Seriously porgressive step for some reason is kinda confusing for me, but I know I will get it down! Our Ballroom instructor is Sergei Popov....seriously homeboy is straight from the Motherland and I seriously was like *score* when he walked in and started talking. Absolutely fantastic yes?

Overall though I think I am really going to enjoy this semester!

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