Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Been A Weird Year So Far

Between having someone at work crushing on me to being reminded of an Ex returning home soon, life has gotten....interesting to say the least. For Starters one of the guys at work has a crush on me and EVERYONE seems to mention something about it because let's be honest it isn't really a secret. It is slightly awkward though because everyone keeps making comments and once it got out that I have a boyfriend they told him and now what friendship we have managed to cultivate at work is now an awkward mess and is really just all "work" talk and nothing outside of it. *sigh* people tend to bungle things up so rudely sometimes. Than to top off the awkward situation Jason came into work and was ordering and we had bantered back and forth like old times when all of a sudden he drops the bomb of "Are you ready for Jaren to get home next month?" Like WTF? Why do I need to be ready? What do I need to be ready for? I mean yeah he is coming home, but how is that going to grossly affect my life? I was slightly surprised that he is coming home earlier than expected, but that doesn't necessarily have to affect my life does it? We were friends before and we will be friends after. Let's just forget that he and I planned a whole life together shall we? It's something that not many people know about our relationship (YES I have shared this with Robert) but that doesn't mean I am going to just drop everything I have now with Robert for the question of "what if?"

Lately though I feel incredibly blessed. Work is going good and I am trying to find a second job so that I may be able to earn and save more money as well as pay off my debts sooner. With that there seems to be opportunities for work presenting itself left and right and on the daily. It is hard not to see that Heavenly Father is helping me out with this. I feel like I am on the right path and the blessings that are pouring out are evidence of that. My mood has been better and I am getting things done more around the house and I am actually motivated to do stuff. I WENT TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY! Yeah the first time in 8 months or so and guess what? IT WAS FABULOUS!!! I felt great being there and I realized how much I actually missed it!!!!! I also found out that the Sister Missionaries are my Visiting Teachers. Now that I remember I need to call them tomorrow to figure out a time to meet with them! Barbara and I are going to be working out together on a daily basis and I am trying to read my scriptures daily. Life is turning around and I feel like I am climbing out of the spiritual bog of ickiness that I trapped myself in for so long. Thoughts of a mission have been running through my head again and I am contemplating it, but this time I am not going to run off and start anything until I am absolutely sure I can do it. I have some things financially to take care of before I can even begin to think about a mission and also I have to figure out where this relationship with Robert is going. We have been going out for 8 months now and although it's only been 8 months, it has also been a lot of time put towards building this relationship and I would be a foolish person not to factor it into this equation.

So Far 2011 has been a weird one, but it also has been an uplifting one. I look forward to the rest of the year.

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