Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Sick

Upon talking to a good friend tonight I realized just how sick I am of just dealing with life as it comes to me. I realized that I have had this passive role in my own life even when I have been telling others to take charge and live theirs! So in order to change this I am making a plan for my life and goals that I want and not factoring anyone other than me in them. Yes it sounds selfish, but I really need to stop letting my life revolve around others so much. I mean take for example Robert probably moving to Northern Utah. Now that was my plan like a year ago and I gave it away thinking that by moving I would be throwing away what I have with him. Now I would still gladly move up there, BUT I also just got the Millenium Scholarship so I can attend school here in Nevada for free (well I have to pay for books). I was worried about education and all that but it seems that Heavenly Father is quietly letting me know where I should be for now. Education is very important to me and while it will suck to be away from Robert, I also know that I need to place my education at a higher value than my relationship...or at least at the same level. I know we will see each other and everything, but I also know that the distance could very well end us.

So my plan for now (educationally speaking) is to continue at CSN until I get my associates and than from there I will go to UNLV or to UNR and get my Bachelor's providing the Millenium doesn't run out before than. Now as far as work and where I will be living goes I am thinking I will stay at McDonald's and get a second job. With two jobs (or just more hours at McDonalds) I can afford a place of my own AND finish paying off those pesky debts. Where would I live you ask? Well despite how much Robert and others probably won't like it I am considering moving to Las Vegas. It would bring me closer to school (since I find I like learning on campus) and while the economy sucks there are a few more job opportunities than up here. If not moving to Vegas I want to get an apartment here in town and than take classes online (which won't be so great but it'll do).

Of course this all depends on a few others things but tentatively that is the plan....for now.

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