Friday, January 28, 2011

My Poor Wrist!

So I closed tonight at work and I closed on the grill which means I made sandwiches and whatever for everyone tonight. Part of closing is cleaning the grill and wiping it down. While wiping it down my hand slipped and my wrist landed on the grill....which was still on (we weren't closed at this point in time) and still had juices and what not on it. I automatically pulled my arm away, but I had juice still stuck on my wrist! I knew right away that I would get some blisters, but I didn't quite realize how much of my wrist had hit the grill and what an odd angle I hit it at. I will try to get a picture of it up here soon, but yes I do have to say it is some of my finest work to date. It really stinks though because tomorrow I am the grill closer again and since my burn in on my right wrist (and I am conveniently right handed) the heat from everything is going to aggravate the burn more. :( But I go on yes? Also I noticed that I am one of the only non-managers who is working 5 days a week now. Awesomeness? I think so! More days means more money which means I will be getting better paychecks! HUZZAH!

Of course working more days will probably be moot if I get the job I applied for. It is a Houseparent job with the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth in their Independent Living Program. I would be living on site (in a furnished condo that they pay rent and utilities for) and I would perform nightly condo checks and random weekends ones. I would also be on call nightly for emergencies. I am really excited because it would be a good opportunity to work in the field that I want my career in. It is fairly basic and I wouldn't be counseling or anything, but it is a foot-in-door type of situation because I would have to opportunity to make netwroking connections and gain experience and meet people who can counsel me and guide me. I seriously hope I get this job. I am super way excited about it!

Yes indeedy life is turning out quite grand all of a sudden. I even have an appointment to meet with my visiting teachers this weekend!

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