Monday, January 24, 2011

Boom Boom Pow!

Today is the day! School starts again...of course in a few hours since it has only been today for 41 minutes or so hahaha I just am really excited for classes and for the semester!!!! I have all my books and I am so ready to get my learning on! Everyone though seems to think that makes me a nerd for some reason which I absolutely do not get? Shouldn't one strive to strengthen their intelligence? I mean seriously we can't all slide backwards mentally here. In a world where everyone is seeking physical perfection, I am striving to reach highest levels of mental perfection that I can. Well it is true that I am working out and trying to lose weight it isn't really for physical perfection, it just means I need to get healthy. Mentally though I can achieve so much more. Knowledge is my ultimate drug of choice! It is going to be sad though driving down without Robert on Mondays and Wednesdays. He won't be joining me until March. :(

At work today I got told I will be getting more hours since everyone likes working with me and I am a reliable worker. That's fantastic isn't it? I am pretty bummed though because there is an interview on Thursday for the SunWarrior job and I was hoping to make it so I can get that second job I was wanting in addition to my current one but I can't find anyone to cover my shift or switch with me. I am going to ask on Tuesday when i go in to work and see if a manager can help me out. I think if I explain my situation they will help me as long as they know I am not going to be quitting. I need two jobs to be able to pay off the rest of my debts and save money and be able to have money for gas after the other two are taken care of. more hours though is nice and since I don't have any big ticket things to pay (like tuition) right now the money i make with the one job can easily be split between gas and bills, but it's going to barely have enough to save or even for cushion if something does happen. I am not losing hope though and I know something will work itself out!

I have lost three pounds so far and I am super happy about it! I feel good about my working out and trying to eat better. I am hopefully going to be able to bring a lunch to school each day and just eat while doing homework somewhere. I have a few hours between classes so I can get my work done than, but I know I am going to need to find something to do to spend the time. I was thinking of paying the like 12 bucks it costs to get the student activities card so that I can use the gym on campus, but with all the classes I have I just might need all the spare time I can get!

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