Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nadia Gets Serenaded-The Plan

So call me a hopeless romantic if you will, but this week's episode of Glee brought me this wishful sort of hope that I too will one day have a guy serenade me with a love song. It's a long shot, but still I am not a conventional type of girl and a big gesture like that makes me *swoon* My mom is probably reading this right now and rolling her eyes, but I don't really care. I have always lived in a fantasy world (call it a coping mechanism if you will) and I can always easily imagine situations.
This is how the serenading would go down (ideally)
It would be a moonlight picnic overlooking some sort of scenery either on a hill of sorts looking out over a city or like....just somewhere with a nice view. We will be sitting, eating, watching the stars, maybe listening to some tunes and he will look at me and say something totally cliche like "The stars' beauty pales in comparison to you" (See I am brilliant at dramatics) and than he will suddenly bust out with some awesomely mind blowing song that he has practiced for days (hey I don't demand perfection) and although my ears might not exactly be ringing with happy music, I would be so wonderfully overcome that all notes of flats and sharps will be kept on the back burner for future reference (because I will need to remember if I like their singing or not). When he finishes singing he will be no doubt waiting in anticipation for my response and I will be so pleased to finally be able to say "No one has ever serenaded me before! I feel so honored!" and than we will make out and blah blah blah.

Oh yes people that will be how it ideally will play out. Now depending on where I am at in the relationship it would be totally cool if the guy proposed after (I'm saying after awhile of dating) or asked me out (if we have been on a few dates) or professed his love for me ( but only after we have dated for a bit....first date would be creepy). There is room for compromise though, because something like this can't always be planned out perfectly. Things like the weather and *gasp* a lack of a view would have to be inserted into the "Nadia gets serenaded" equation. But overall I think I painted a pretty good outline of how it would work quite well.
Of course I am only writing this because I don't really expect it will happen. I may be a incurable romantic, but I also am a bit cynical when it comes to my own dreamings. I do see what the world is really like through my rose colored glasses and I don't blow smoke up my butt like most normal people do, but damn it I can dream so let me!

If any guys want to serenade know what to do. ;)

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