Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Speaking of Love...

My mother sent me this today (knowing I would LOVE it) and she was right...I did! I loved it so much I decided to put it on my blog. See mother I do listen!
"True love puts the other person first, not self. True love DOES NOT cause or even ask another to sin nor does it cause pain to the other person. True love draws one CLOSER to God, and each other not further away. "
I decided to make a list of things I love. I don't really do this often, but since yesterday was a such a Negative Nancy kind of day for me I wanted to remind myself of all the wonderful things I have in my life that continue to bring me joy. So without further to do, Ladies and Gentlemen, the "Things Nadia Loves" list!
1. My family- ALL of them...even the stinky ones....because if you hear or read any conversation we have you will realize that we are all pretty hilarious and smart....so basically we are all smart asses. Who wouldn't love that?!
2. My friends- I won't list specific ones because than others will feel left out. BUT I will say there are start players in that part of the list and without them my life would be a miserable black spot on the face of all humanity. I mean...all I would have would be my smartass family. XD
3. Learning- I will be the first to admit that I am a nerd. I LOVE to learn with a passion of a thousand fiery suns. I love to learn new things and advance my knowledge of old. It can be problematic because my smartass-ness and the way I act with my friends tends to make people think I am not as smart or intelligent as I am.
4. Singing- There is rarely a song that I don't like. There is even more rarely a song I don't like to sing! I sing in the shower, in my room, in my car, at work, and wherever I feel like singing. I am even singing in my head as I type this!
5. Soda- Not just any soda. Regular Coca- Cola soda....the stuff is the nectar of the gods! Seriously I shouldn't be drinking the stuff but OMG I FRIGGIN' LOVE IT!!!
6. Disney- I love (almost) anything Disney. Disneyland is pretty much the shit in my books and I seriously can not fathom how people can go their whole lives and never visit! There are parts of Disney I don't like though like the Disney Channel and how every actor has to somehow become a singer too...when they can't do either. But overall Disney rocks this girls socks.
7. Books- even if I don't read them I collect them. But for the most part once I buy one I read it until I am done. I will literally stay up all night and read just so I can go about my day the next day pondering the book and not concentrating on what is going to happen next.
8. Movies- I love watching movies. Any type actually. It doesn't matter if it is black and white or or computer animated. Once I watch a movie I then feel like I can make a fair judgement upon it as far as the acting and what not.
----okay so that is only 8 for now, but I am going to be getting ready for work shortly. The list though will continue later along with more opinions and comments on things.
I have decided that I am going to just blog my opinions about stuff along with daily anecdotes and blah blah blah. I don't know who all reads this, but seriously I know I bore myself sometimes with these posts hahaha so hopefully I can entertain y'all better.

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