Monday, February 7, 2011

My day...ugh!

Well one week later and already I have dealt with a lot that just baffles me. As it turns out a mission is probably not for me and is not going to happen. Not going to go into details, but too much has changed about me. I know that I would not be at the same level as I once was, I never will be at that same level of faith again. It is disheartening of course, but I now that I have this amazing capacity for adapting and changing myself to fit my needs and the needs of others. I will do what I can and serve my fellow man as best I can with what I have. It is nothing to be ashamed of and I am not at all embarassed to admit that I have changed too much amd my faith has changed in ways that I can't easily put into words. On thursday though I am meeting with the Sister Missionaries because *surprise* they are my visiting teachers. Fantastic isn't it?

Today was a pretty crappy day as far was days go. The morning started out with an arguement of sorts with Robert and than I was on my way to school and I got pulled over because of my license plates and the cop told me I was lucky things worked out with my insurance because they would have had to take me in! Apparently it was looking as if I had stolen my own vehicle! GAH! This scared me and pissed me off and I was 30 minutes late to class. The sub marked me as tardy which means I lost 5 points on a 10 point assignment...since that was the first assignment I am now starting with an F in the class. This did nothing to improve my mood. Math went pretty well considering I only had one problem I didn't understand and I had gotten a 90 on the first quiz of the semester! I went home and talked to my mom than talked to Robert and than got on here. I am slowly making my way to bed, but I felt like coming and blogging.

Despite my whining about my day, I know I am an incredibly blessed person and that the day could have been ten times worse than it was. Colton and I have sort of jumpstarted our friendship again and we have been talking more frequently. I forgot how much I enjoy his friendship hahaha he gets me. I am hoping to make my way to St. George this Thursday to see Kami, but it isn't set in stone yet. I am also trying to spend more time with that lovely apple of my eye named Barbara. The girl is a babe and I LOVE having her back in town!!!

My interview for the Bank Of America position went well. I just need to send in a background verification form thingy and I am good to go. I will hopefully have a face to face interview next week seeing as the Bank managers will be out of town this week. I hope I get the job. I need to be working two since McDonalds isn't enough to live basically. I do enjoy working there and have really learned to like's probably because I have just kind of forced myself to hahaha but still i enjoy it. I even got my first second degree burn last week when closing grill. My pinky touched the bare surface of the clam part of the grill and BOOM insta-blister! It hurts like a mother trucker and I have no patience for it, but I am oddly proud of it at the same time. It's like some weird twisted right of passage. I strangely hope it scars pretty awesomely so I can whip it out and be like "Oh yeah?! Take a gander at this beauty! Bet you ain't seen that big a burn on a pinky before!" and than some poor trainee will be all *faint* and we will laugh and than share how I only get burned because I am so special the grill likes to leave it's mark on me every week. OH and I heard tale that we are getting new uniforms soon! Shawn says they are really cool shirts! We are also getting new pants, belts, hats, and even new nametags which means my magnet one I got in mesquite will get to stay with me since it is different!!!!

It's the little things in life you have got to enjoy.

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