Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Full Circle

Well I am back home now....at my parents. But to save my dignity and pride, I can say that I am paying them rent each month and not so much crashing at their house. Yeah I know, being back home and not on my own is kind of a lame thing for one my age. I should be out there living life and yada yada yada. I get it...cut the apron strings. All I have to say is that I have been blessed with parents kind enough to help me out and to let me help them. I am so not going to be spitting in their faces and not admit when I need help. They raised me better than that.

Interestingly enough I enjoy being back home. I have internet and I get to interact with them more and see them more. I have a ton of stuff though in my room now and it is a bit crowded at the moment, but I am going through all my shoes and clothes and tossing those which I have not worn in a year or didn't even know I had. It's part of my weight loss plan. If I don't hang on to my "fat clothes" I will be forced to lose weight and buy new (smaller) clothes! Barbara and I have been trying to walk a few miles each night and to get some running in, but with our mismatched schedules and my not being able to leave late at night....we have to figure a new thing out. I am doing my workout dvd and striving to have healthy goals for my weightloss, but to be honest I just want to be able to wear a bikini and look....well...HOT in it.

I strive for so much.

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