Saturday, September 10, 2011

Its a full on battle

Oh it's on's on!!!

I am so pumped and excited about working out and losing weight. Right now I am focusing on losing some weight before my birthday which is in three weeks, but my main goal is to lose at the minimum of 40 lbs by the end of the year. This past week I have gained some weight BUT that is the muscle I have built with running and doing toning excercises. Considering the most excercise I have done in forever was walking at work...yeah its improvement. Hopefully I can get more consistent with it. I have been going maybe two or three times a week but for my goals I need to workout everyday at first.

Running sucks but its one of the best ways to lose weight. If we had a pool open here I would swim constantly. I am thinking of going down on thursdays with Robert to Vegas and joining a gym or something. I can probably get Barbara to join me. Since swimming is easy for me and I know I could spend hours swimming and working out. One gym day a week isnt bad at all and it will get me out of the valley at least once a week.

All I know is this weight is coming off.

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